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Sun 02° Aquarius 17' 42"
Moon 04° Scorpio 49' 38"
Mercury 20° Capricorn 24' 15"
Venus 18° Pisces 55' 08"
Mars 23° Cancer 51' 48" 
Ceres 17° Aquarius 06' 51"
Pallas 20° Capricorn 27' 21"
Juno 24° Scorpio 30' 17"
Vesta 07° Scorpio 03' 30"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 34' 52" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 23' 20"
Chiron 19° Aries 15' 00"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 38" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 42' 16"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 44' 05"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 09' 28" 

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 30 - September 5

There are blind corners everywhere this week, created by several quincunx aspects. A quincunx is sometimes termed The Finger of God and requires faith and adjustment in order to navigate the blind corner that eventually reveals a new perspective. Sensitivity is high this week, spurred on by Venus retrograding back to conjunct Mars. The work on our self-image, inspired by the retrograde Venus, has yielded a new, still sensitive 'skin'. This is an ongoing process that doesn't provide us many assurances this week. Despite an increasing desire for definitive evidence, there is little certainty to be found. The fixed-sign log jam that has been holding everything in a tight grip is beginning to break apart. However, it is very hard to be certain exactly how and where (or when) things will break loose. Sunday and Monday are particularly foggy, seeming to offer spectacular promise. However, the routes are slippery and many of the promises may be too good to be true. Tuesday and Wednesday offer a more realistic picture but the let-down may be a little uncomfortable. By Thursday, we may be feeling a little raw if we've been spending too much energy looking for something that just isn't there. We'll need to take a good look around and find a way to be grateful for what we already have instead of spending too much energy chasing rainbows and that Pot of Gold. Individual sensitivity peaks on Friday as Venus stations (to go direct on Monday). There isn't much reassurance offered that we're really right where we're supposed to be. By Saturday, some may feel ready to break away, despite the consequences. However, we'll be better off to spend our energy salvaging whatever we can instead of jumping headlong into the void. This is no time to just cut and run.

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