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Sun 20° Aquarius 08' 48"
Moon 02° Cancer 49' 05"
Mercury 19° Aquarius 30' 57"
Venus 03° Aries 02' 02"
Mars 18° Cancer 32' 58" 
Ceres 23° Aquarius 59' 52"
Pallas 27° Capricorn 03' 01"
Juno 28° Scorpio 10' 55"
Vesta 12° Scorpio 27' 35"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 18' 34"
Saturn 18° Pisces 16' 35"
Chiron 19° Aries 45' 08"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 51"
Neptune 28° Pisces 11' 54"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 17' 42"
TrueNode 28° Pisces 02' 49" 

Capricorn Full Moon

Capricorn Full Moon - Powerful Culmination

"I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps."

— Mahatma Gandhi

This week begins with a dramatic, highly pressurized Capricorn Full Moon (3:16 AM PDT 29° Capricorn/Cancer) that brings to a culmination the bumped-up intensity fostered by last week's Mars-Uranus conjunction. Mars trines Pluto just after the Full Moon and the interaction of these two 'malefic planets' increases the pressure to extraordinary levels. Nonetheless, the Full Moon sextiles Neptune and the Sun trines Neptune — suggesting more inspiration than clarity despite the highly pressurized urge, fostered by the Mars-Pluto trine, to initiate bold action — or at least talk about it aggressively. As well, Mercury (which entered the retrograde shadow last week) is slowly working into an 'out-of-sign' YOD with Neptune and Pluto this week. That configuration will be a factor during most of the upcoming retrograde period (August 4th - August 28th) and into September. The Mercury/Neptune/Pluto conversation requires us to navigate around a sharp blind corner. We need to moderate our idealism and inspiration with an orderly mercurial process. The Sun gets to Leo on Monday and opposes Pluto, suggesting little patience and mostly futile struggles for power and control. This week's challenge is finding some way to maintain a dynamic balance in the midst of highly pressurized chaos. An orderly give-and-take of ideas is extremely difficult to establish and intransigence seems to run very deep. Chiron turns retrograde in Aries on Friday. This is the 'Maverick', in the sign of the 'Pioneer', which doesn't seem to suggest much desire or inclination to 'retrace steps' — the retrograde process at it's heart. However, both the Sun and Venus will make trines to the retrograding Chiron, providing increased creativity to boost the inspiration that was offered by the Full Moon's connection to Neptune. As well, Mercury will make two more trines to Chiron during its own retrograde process. These trines will helps us to realign our individual creative goals with a clear-eyed perspective on our capabilities and and limitations. Chiron also helps us to understand how our efforts can inspire and heal others. Mercury arrives 'home' in Virgo on Thursday, where it will stay until August 14th when it moves back into Leo. Mercury in Virgo can help us to establish an orderly process for developing a new plan. But rather than looking for a return to order, we will need to recognize the need to develop a new order, incorporating the inspired creativity that is deeply infused into this week's high pressure chaos. The implications of this week's transformative process isn't likely to be clearly understood for quite some time. The most that we can hope for is to stay with and 'trust the process' as it unfolds, doing everything we can do to stay grounded 'in the moment'. There are steps to be retraced and creative inspiration to be explored and developed. Aggressive impatience is perhaps the most dangerous element to be avoided in this environment. Remember that 'time takes time'.

We reach a highly significant turning point on Sunday. The need to maintain a dynamic balance in the midst of this rapidly shifting environment is extreme. Sunday's pressurized atmosphere continues on Monday. There are intense but likely futile struggles for control and power on Monday. However, there aren't any quick resolutions. We may be tempted to impose some kind of forced resolution on Tuesday. Further consideration is needed and the available creativity can't be forced or rushed. Wisdom begins to filter through the pressurized chaos on Wednesday. New information comes to light. Some of the ideas that surface on Thursday may seem to come 'off the wall'. Nonetheless, there is real wisdom and insight available. We can begin to take stock of our creative inspiration on Friday in a more orderly and methodical manner. Seeds of a new way forward are planted. There are obstacles to overcome on Saturday but there is also plenty of determination. It is important to maintain some objectivity and not be too aggressive in the push for satisfactory resolutions.

Daily Astrological Currents - Capricorn Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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