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Sun 04° Leo 52' 54"
Moon 25° Aries 55' 40"
Mercury 01° Virgo 02' 59"
Venus 19° Leo 21' 23"
Mars 04° Gemini 31' 16"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 06' 08" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 48' 06"
Juno 25° Virgo 41' 01"
Vesta 16° Leo 44' 05"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 34' 08"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 37" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 43' 01"
Neptune 29° Pisces 45' 59" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 16" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 15"

Daily Astrological Currents

A free daily horoscope from Pluto's Child

Daily Horoscope"Every day can be a good day"

Read The Full Week's Forecast

This Daily Astrological Forecast is a bit different than most daily forecasts since it isnt written for each individual Sun Sign. Rather, it is intended to be a bit like an Astrological Weather Report. To read more about this daily horoscope, see this post

Friday July 26, 2024

Chiron stations retrograde today in Aries. This is the 'Maverick' in the sign of the 'Pioneer', which is not highly suggestive of any desire or inclination to 'retrace steps'. Nonetheless, Venus and the Sun will both soon trine Chiron and Mercury will return to make two more trines to the retrograding Chiron during it's own retrograde 'process'. In essence, the next few weeks will produce extremely valuable opportunities to better align our individual creative goals with the reality of our actual capabilities and limitations. We can begin to take stock of how our efforts can help to inspire and heal others. In the process, a new 'plan' can be developed. However, this is not a plan for the return to order. Rather, this is an inspired, creative process to develop a new order. Although the Moon goes VOC at 3:14 PM PDT, before the day is over the Moon makes a conjunction to the stationing Chiron, planting the seeds of new inspiration that can take root once the Moon goes into Taurus tomorrow.

Weekly Summary

JULY 22 - JULY 27

"I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps."
— Mahatma Gandhi

This week begins with a dramatic, highly pressurized Capricorn Full Moon (3:16 AM PDT 29° Capricorn/Cancer) that brings to a culmination the bumped-up intensity fostered by last week's Mars-Uranus conjunction. Mars trines Pluto just after the Full Moon and the interaction of these two 'malefic planets' increases the pressure to extraordinary levels. Nonetheless, the Full Moon sextiles Neptune and the Sun trines Neptune — suggesting more inspiration than clarity despite the highly pressurized urge, fostered by the Mars-Pluto trine, to initiate bold action — or at least talk about it aggressively. As well, Mercury (which entered the retrograde shadow last week) is slowly working into an 'out-of-sign' YOD with Neptune and Pluto this week. That configuration will be a factor during most of the upcoming retrograde period (August 4th - August 28th) and into September. The Mercury/Neptune/Pluto conversation requires us to navigate around a sharp blind corner. We need to moderate our idealism and inspiration with an orderly mercurial process. The Sun gets to Leo on Monday and opposes Pluto, suggesting little patience and mostly futile struggles for power and control. This week's challenge is finding some way to maintain a dynamic balance in the midst of highly pressurized chaos. An orderly give-and-take of ideas is extremely difficult to establish and intransigence seems to run very deep. Chiron turns retrograde in Aries on Friday. This is the 'Maverick', in the sign of the 'Pioneer', which doesn't seem to suggest much desire or inclination to 'retrace steps' — the retrograde process at it's heart. However, both the Sun and Venus will make trines to the retrograding Chiron, providing increased creativity to boost the inspiration that was offered by the Full Moon's connection to Neptune. As well, Mercury will make two more trines to Chiron during its own retrograde process. These trines will helps us to realign our individual creative goals with a clear-eyed perspective on our capabilities and and limitations. Chiron also helps us to understand how our efforts can inspire and heal others. Mercury arrives 'home' in Virgo on Thursday, where it will stay until August 14th when it moves back into Leo. Mercury in Virgo can help us to establish an orderly process for developing a new plan. But rather than looking for a return to order, we will need to recognize the need to develop a new order, incorporating the inspired creativity that is deeply infused into this week's high pressure chaos. The implications of this week's transformative process isn't likely to be clearly understood for quite some time. The most that we can hope for is to stay with and 'trust the process' as it unfolds, doing everything we can do to stay grounded 'in the moment'. There are steps to be retraced and creative inspiration to be explored and developed. Aggressive impatience is perhaps the most dangerous element to be avoided in this environment. Remember that 'time takes time'.

We reach a highly significant turning point on Sunday. The need to maintain a dynamic balance in the midst of this rapidly shifting environment is extreme. Sunday's pressurized atmosphere continues on Monday. There are intense but likely futile struggles for control and power on Monday. However, there aren't any quick resolutions. We may be tempted to impose some kind of forced resolution on Tuesday. Further consideration is needed and the available creativity can't be forced or rushed. Wisdom begins to filter through the pressurized chaos on Wednesday. New information comes to light. Some of the ideas that surface on Thursday may seem to come 'off the wall'. Nonetheless, there is real wisdom and insight available. We can begin to take stock of our creative inspiration on Friday in a more orderly and methodical manner. Seeds of a new way forward are planted. There are obstacles to overcome on Saturday but there is also plenty of determination. It is important to maintain some objectivity and not be too aggressive in the push for satisfactory resolutions.

Saturday July 27, 2024

The Moon is VOC this morning until arriving in Taurus at 10:22 AM PDT. Once in Taurus, the Moon forms a challenging square to Pluto but follows up with a trine to Mercury at 12:35 PM PDT. The Moon will go on the square the Sun this evening at 7:51 PM PDT. Certainly, there are obstacles to overcome today. Intransigence seems to run very deep. Nonetheless, determination is also quite strong today. New information is unearthed in ways to that keep us pushing for further investigation and consideration. If we aren't able to maintain our objectivity, impatient aggressiveness could cause us to miss some very important details.

Weekly Summary

JULY 22 - JULY 27

"I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps."
— Mahatma Gandhi

This week begins with a dramatic, highly pressurized Capricorn Full Moon (3:16 AM PDT 29° Capricorn/Cancer) that brings to a culmination the bumped-up intensity fostered by last week's Mars-Uranus conjunction. Mars trines Pluto just after the Full Moon and the interaction of these two 'malefic planets' increases the pressure to extraordinary levels. Nonetheless, the Full Moon sextiles Neptune and the Sun trines Neptune — suggesting more inspiration than clarity despite the highly pressurized urge, fostered by the Mars-Pluto trine, to initiate bold action — or at least talk about it aggressively. As well, Mercury (which entered the retrograde shadow last week) is slowly working into an 'out-of-sign' YOD with Neptune and Pluto this week. That configuration will be a factor during most of the upcoming retrograde period (August 4th - August 28th) and into September. The Mercury/Neptune/Pluto conversation requires us to navigate around a sharp blind corner. We need to moderate our idealism and inspiration with an orderly mercurial process. The Sun gets to Leo on Monday and opposes Pluto, suggesting little patience and mostly futile struggles for power and control. This week's challenge is finding some way to maintain a dynamic balance in the midst of highly pressurized chaos. An orderly give-and-take of ideas is extremely difficult to establish and intransigence seems to run very deep. Chiron turns retrograde in Aries on Friday. This is the 'Maverick', in the sign of the 'Pioneer', which doesn't seem to suggest much desire or inclination to 'retrace steps' — the retrograde process at it's heart. However, both the Sun and Venus will make trines to the retrograding Chiron, providing increased creativity to boost the inspiration that was offered by the Full Moon's connection to Neptune. As well, Mercury will make two more trines to Chiron during its own retrograde process. These trines will helps us to realign our individual creative goals with a clear-eyed perspective on our capabilities and and limitations. Chiron also helps us to understand how our efforts can inspire and heal others. Mercury arrives 'home' in Virgo on Thursday, where it will stay until August 14th when it moves back into Leo. Mercury in Virgo can help us to establish an orderly process for developing a new plan. But rather than looking for a return to order, we will need to recognize the need to develop a new order, incorporating the inspired creativity that is deeply infused into this week's high pressure chaos. The implications of this week's transformative process isn't likely to be clearly understood for quite some time. The most that we can hope for is to stay with and 'trust the process' as it unfolds, doing everything we can do to stay grounded 'in the moment'. There are steps to be retraced and creative inspiration to be explored and developed. Aggressive impatience is perhaps the most dangerous element to be avoided in this environment. Remember that 'time takes time'.

We reach a highly significant turning point on Sunday. The need to maintain a dynamic balance in the midst of this rapidly shifting environment is extreme. Sunday's pressurized atmosphere continues on Monday. There are intense but likely futile struggles for control and power on Monday. However, there aren't any quick resolutions. We may be tempted to impose some kind of forced resolution on Tuesday. Further consideration is needed and the available creativity can't be forced or rushed. Wisdom begins to filter through the pressurized chaos on Wednesday. New information comes to light. Some of the ideas that surface on Thursday may seem to come 'off the wall'. Nonetheless, there is real wisdom and insight available. We can begin to take stock of our creative inspiration on Friday in a more orderly and methodical manner. Seeds of a new way forward are planted. There are obstacles to overcome on Saturday but there is also plenty of determination. It is important to maintain some objectivity and not be too aggressive in the push for satisfactory resolutions.

Sunday July 28, 2024

We are likely to feel a great deal of energy today that may result in recklessness. Excessive pride can quickly blind us to 'the bigger picture' and our connection to a larger and more powerful 'Universal Connection'. Essentially, if we are too 'pridefully' focused on ourselves, we are likely to lose a great deal of the support we need. If pride keeps us from acknowledging our need for that support, there is a potential for significant setbacks. There is a great deal of wisdom available today but we need to quiet our minds enough to actively listen to what is really being offered.

Weekly Summary


"There must be darkness to see the stars. The dance is always danced above the hollow place, above the terrible abyss."
— Ursula K. LeGuini

The work to be done this week has us focused on understanding and unwinding the intense and transformational energies that were unleashed under the Capricorn Full Moon (3:16 AM PDT 29° Capricorn/Cancer) that occurred at the very beginning of last week. We should not forget that there was extremely strong Neptunian energy that was infused into the strong transformational energy of Pluto and the highly disruptive energy of Mars and Uranus — all wrapped up into the Full Moon's imprint. Our inspiration has been highly charged by Neptune but there is little clarity or much real, tangible, substantive progress that we can clearly see. Mars arrived in Gemini just before last week's Full Moon and will head towards expansive, 'expectation raising' Jupiter all week. Mars will not actually complete the conjunction with Jupiter until August 14th. That Mars-Jupiter conjunction will be ruled by a retrograding Mercury, further suggesting unreliable expectations. Such expectations may be raised to extreme levels this week — especially if we aren't able to check or control the 'Leo-nian' pride in this environment. The Leo pride has the potential to encourage us to cut ourselves off from the support that we don't want to acknowledge that we need. Such support would help us to keep our expectations in line with tangible reality. There are, in fact, valuable gifts that are offered this week but these gifts aren't likely to be what any pride-filled, inflated expectations have us looking for. The actual gifts which are offered this week will be found in quietly shared 'pearls of wisdom', expanded perspectives and deep compassion. But there is real danger that many of us will find ourselves focused solely on the unrealistic expectations for tangible, material developments. We will need to remember that we are heading towards the 'dark of the Moon'. A Leo New Moon ( 4:12 AM PDT 12° Leo) will occur at the beginning of next week, on August 4th, just as Mercury is stationing to go retrograde (until August 28th). There is little clarity or light that is offered to guide our way. The promising key developments this week are centered on expanded perspectives and increased compassion and understanding. If we are only looking to find quick, tangible, material, mundane 'goodies', our expectations are likely to be dashed. What we are offered this week is profound spiritual growth but not the kind of material progress that some may be looking for. Clarity and tangible, material progress will eventual come through the process that we are continuing to move through. This week's gifts are incredibly valuable but we will need to be alert in order to recognize them.

High energy could quickly turn into recklessness on Sunday. There is strong Leo pride on display that may blind us to our connection to those around us. There is a clear need for balance on Monday. We may lose track of the need for 'deeper wisdom' and allow our expectations to grow out of control. There are 'pearls of wisdom' available on Tuesday but not if we've put ourselves 'out on a limb' with inflated expectations. Impatience may quickly derail any forward progress. The amiable atmosphere on Wednesday may cover up an undercurrent of impatience and even hostility. Our focus shifts on Thursday and we may find ourselves emotionally vulnerable to manipulation and trickery. It is important to stay calm and try to maintain some objectivity. Compassion and understanding seems to come forward on Friday but we aren't able to gain much intellectual clarity. It is important to put 'first things first'. We don't want to try to 'rock the boat' on Saturday. There is little clarity on which to rely.