Current Transits

Friday July 26, 2024
11:03:17 PM

The Sun04° Leo 42' 27"

The Moon23° Aries 21' 08"

Mercury00° Virgo 55' 42"

Venus19° Leo 07' 57"

Mars04° Gemini 23' 48"

Ceres10° Capricorn 07' 58" 

Pallas20° Scorpio 46' 52"

Juno25° Virgo 37' 32"

Vesta16° Leo 39' 04"

Jupiter13° Gemini 32' 06"

Saturn18° Pisces 49' 05" 

Chiron23° Aries 32' 03" 

Uranus26° Taurus 42' 42"

Neptune29° Pisces 46' 08" 

Pluto00° Aquarius 46' 32" 

N Node08° Aries 48' 09"

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This page offers brief descriptions of the current planetary transits and the degree (from Degrees Of The Zodiac) that is coloring the transit at this moment. The transit descriptions used are brief excerpts from Transits by Esther V. Leinbach which is currently being revised and edited for future release. Use the Current Planetary Position Widget on the right to look up another planet's influence!

Read Today's Forecast

The Moon transiting Aries:

MOON: Everyone feels the increased energy when the Moon is in Aries. People will be more aggressive and pushy about what they want. They are also likely to be more self oriented or concerned about their own aims and goals. Social amenities can fall by the wayside. At the very least, you will notice this kind of behavior as you interact with others. You may gain some points by staying out of other people's way and/or catering to their whims temporarily.

23° of Aries:

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