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Sun 15° Taurus 37' 14"
Moon 11° Aries 31' 24"
Mercury 19° Aries 54' 16"
Venus 07° Taurus 35' 51"
Mars 03° Aries 50' 54"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 16' 06"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 13' 04" 
Juno 06° Virgo 50' 41"
Vesta 11° Cancer 39' 08"
Jupiter 25° Taurus 12' 39"
Saturn 17° Pisces 01' 54"
Chiron 20° Aries 57' 25"
Uranus 22° Taurus 39' 17"
Neptune 29° Pisces 03' 54"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 07" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 24' 46"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 23 - August 29

This week's journey shifts our focus towards relationships with others, helping us to better understand how the current retrograde Venus is teaching us to love ourselves more deeply. We are challenged to maintain our faith in the value and purpose of our individual lives as we shift our focus towards sharing our experiences and insights with others. Self-confidence wavers a bit at the beginning of the week, despite a highly active atmosphere, leading to vacillation and uncertainty. Vacillation continues into Monday and we find it quite difficult to blend our thoughts and feelings into a cohesive message. Tuesday sets up this week's turn outward as we face some relationship issues, challenging us to clear away unnecessary baggage and avoid taking things too personally. By Wednesday, we gain strong intellectual support, offering the opportunity to plan a strategy for bringing forward our ideas and sharing them with a larger audience over the next few weeks. Mercury enters Libra on Thursday, as well as entering retrograde territory. (The next retrograde Mercury is in Libra:- September 17th - October 9th). The upcoming retrograde Mercury will provide space to clear away some of the debris left over from the challenges of the current retrograde Venus. Friday offers up opportunities for expressing our unique ideas in a broadly accepting environment. Friday's intensity may be quite surprising, given how tentatively the week began. As we reach the Full Moon on Saturday (11:35 AM PDT 6° Virgo/Pisces), we may find ourselves mired in confusion or filled with visionary inspiration. Either way, the lessons of the Full Moon challenge us to let go of deeply held insecurities and turn to face the world with a deepened sense of faith. As we gain the faith to love ourselves more deeply, we can begin to see that love reflected in our interaction with others.

Read Today's Forecast

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