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Sun 24° Virgo 48' 02"
Moon 12° Pisces 02' 29"
Mercury 13° Virgo 07' 48"
Venus 22° Libra 48' 14"
Mars 07° Cancer 16' 56"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 50' 52"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 39' 07"
Juno 13° Libra 17' 22"
Vesta 10° Virgo 59' 03"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 23"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 30" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 43" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 20" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 13" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 07" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 35" 

Pisces Full Moon Eclipse - Weekly Horoscope - September 15 - September 21

Daily Horoscope

"Vanity is the quicksand of reason."

— George Sand

We reach the culmination of a remarkably well-grounded and productive lunar cycle this week under Tuesday's Pisces Full Moon Eclipse (7:34 PM PDT 25° Pisces/Virgo). This is an extraordinarily complex environment that demands we take a 'leap of faith' as we turn into a 'blind corner'. A Mercury-Vesta conjunction at the beginning of the week demands decisiveness with the potential for some rather painful sacrifices. While many things seem to be slipping away, there is an individual sense of empowerment developing. We can begin to see how our individual abilities and insights can be [...]

Jupiter-Chiron Sextile - Weekly Horoscope - September 8 - September 14

Daily Horoscope

"What happens is consciousness operates in mysterious ways. One of those ways is that the old paradigm suddenly starts to die."

— Deepak Chopra

We begin to get hints of broader shifts and changes this week. The Sun escapes the opposition to Saturn and makes a promising square to Jupiter. Essentially, optimistic Jupiter seems to take over the reigns from Saturn this week, drawing our focus away from constraints and self-doubt while encouraging exploration into new territory. We are still in the waxing phase of a well-grounded and extremely productive lunar cycle, following last Monday's Virgo New Moon (6:55 PM PDT 11° Virgo). As we move through the 1st quarter of the current lunar cycle, there is a restless and somewhat chaotic atmosphere that may [...]

Virgo New Moon - Weekly Horoscope - September 1 - September 7

Daily Horoscope

"The importance of art is in the process of doing it, in the learning experience where the artist interacts with whatever is being made."

— Roy Lichtenstein

This week's Virgo New Moon (6:55 PM PDT 11° Virgo) is remarkably well grounded and productive. Mercury rules the New Moon from Leo in a beneficial 'Mutual Reception' with the Sun in Virgo. Mercury is still in the 'shadow' of the last retrograde period and is making the third (of three) trines to Chiron in Aries. The Mercury-Chiron trine brings promising notes of empathy and compassion to a focused, methodical process of sorting through a myriad of inspired new ideas and awakened inspiration. There are some indications that we may be vulnerable to misplaced trust and sympathy but there are also protections that keep us from going too far and giving up too much before we [...]

Venus-Neptune Opposition - Weekly Horoscope - August 25 - August 31

Daily Horoscope

"The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience."

— Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace

There is quite likely to be considerable 'tumult' this week in the wake of last Monday's Aquarius Full Moon (11:25 AM PDT 27° Aquarius/Leo). For the most part, we will we need to allow some time to 'let the dust settle'. Mercury stations to go direct on Wednesday just as Venus, at the tail end of Virgo, opposes Neptune. The stationing Mercury, coupled with the Venus-Neptune opposition suggests quite a bit of confusion, which will require time and patience to unwind. Essentially, we need to think about slowing down on the turn around. Emotional investment in a quick outcome is quite destabilizing and could quickly lead to feelings of [...]

Aquarius Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope - August 18 - August 24

Daily Horoscope

" I have great respect for the past. If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going. I have respect for the past, but I'm a person of the moment. I'm here, and I do my best to be completely centered at the place I'm at, then I go forward to the next place."

— Maya Angelou

It is pretty hard to miss the fact that there is a whole lot going on this week! Monday's Aquarius Full Moon (11:25 AM PDT 27° Aquarius/Leo) brings a hard edged culmination to the remarkably optimistic Leo New Moon that occurred on August 4th. Certainly, the Full Moon's tight square to Uranus suggests surprising developments. However, there is also a powerful imperative to hold things together and 'locked in place'. The Fixed T-Square between the Sun, Vesta, the Moon, and Uranus centers our focus on [...]