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Sun 29° Capricorn 39' 49"
Moon 04° Libra 14' 23"
Mercury 16° Capricorn 23' 59"
Venus 16° Pisces 30' 36"
Mars 24° Cancer 51' 50" 
Ceres 16° Aquarius 06' 32"
Pallas 19° Capricorn 27' 56"
Juno 23° Scorpio 53' 10"
Vesta 06° Scorpio 09' 58"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 42' 33" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 08' 02"
Chiron 19° Aries 11' 53"
Uranus 23° Taurus 18' 59" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 38' 34"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 39' 04"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 07' 49"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 16 - August 22

Last week's shifts and turns have opened new vista's to explore and develop this week. The Leo New Moon last Friday inspired a new dedication to our individual creative self-expression. The challenge we face this week is to Keep It Real and not get too far ahead of ourselves with exaggerated ambitions. It could be easy to find our confidence wavering, particularly if we fall victim to setting unrealistic goals and expectations. We may also feel tempted to give up on our own vision altogether and instead elect to follow someone else. However, we are more than likely to eventually discover that we have only bought in to someone else's exaggerations — we're better off sticking with our own vision. The atmosphere is quite energetic and stirred up but the Sun's square to Saturn builds all week, requiring responsible, grounded and deliberate action in order to make headway. It may be quite useful to take some time on Sunday to ground ourselves and set our focus on a simple approach to the week. Overly zealous determination could easily dissipate into vacillation on Monday, resulting in some rather obvious exaggerations on Tuesday as we seek to re-establish a firm stance. As we continue to move through the week, intellect begins to help us set aside some of the emotional uncertainty and self-doubt. We certainly should not ignore any concern or uncertainty we feel. However, by taking methodical, deliberate steps to address our concerns we will find that we have built a sturdier foundation. The real challenge here is to avoid becoming overcome with the fear of failure or rejection and then trying to compensate by setting even more unrealistic goals. The Sun/Saturn square peaks on Friday, increasing the pressure and leaving little room for any escapes. Nonetheless, intuitive clues will help us to navigate any challenges as long as we stay focused on the situation at hand and don't get ahead of ourselves. By Saturday afternoon, the brakes are off and we are left with a rather chaotic and confusing atmosphere to end the week. However, as we head toward next Saturday's Full Moon (11:35 AM PDT 6° Virgo/Pisces) the work we've done this week to Keep It Real will offer solid, tangible rewards.

Read Today's Forecast

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