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Sun 18° Virgo 40' 26"
Moon 14° Sagittarius 43' 02"
Mercury 02° Virgo 24' 14"
Venus 15° Libra 07' 13"
Mars 03° Cancer 38' 05"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 11' 26"
Pallas 00° Sagittarius 43' 49"
Juno 11° Libra 04' 08"
Vesta 07° Virgo 59' 54"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 02' 15"
Saturn 15° Pisces 49' 08" 
Chiron 22° Aries 38' 53" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 13' 14" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 47' 33" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 51' 49" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 45' 11"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 13 - December 19

A Wilderness of Possibility

We begin the week trying to establish and maintain a sense of balance following last week's New Moon, which helped to clear the decks and began our search for an entirely new approach. We seem to be wandering in a wilderness of possibility, intuitive inspiration and high idealism. It may be quite difficult to stay closely in tune with the actual, tangible facts on the ground and some strong frustrations could easily build throughout the week as we seek to make a personal impact on a particularly chaotic environment. As we try to help or improve the situation we'll need to guard against judgmental self-righteousness when our efforts or sacrifices are not suitably honored. Unexpected or spontaneous developments on Sunday make us particularly aware of the challenge of maintaining our balance. Monday's slow progress denies any quick results but, by staying with the process, we may find a way to appreciate the value of laying a firm foundation for future progress. Activity heats up on Tuesday but, if we're still looking for quick results, we are likely to be disappointed. We are moving through a period that requires deep, thoughtful consideration and patient, methodical effort. On Wednesday, we are challenged to integrate intellect and intuition and the opposing pulls keep many of us on the fence with a fatalistic lack of initiative. Thursday helps to bring intuition and and intellect into alignment but the continuing sense of chaos keeps us from feeling like we're making solid progress. Friday offers increased self-confidence but may also produce increasing self-righteous judgementalism. Mercury conjuncts Pluto on Saturday and also enters retrograde territory ahead of next month's (January 5th - January 25th) retrograde period. The powerful, intellectual capacity of the Mercury/Pluto conjunction helps to pare away unworkable idealism, offering detachment and inspiration to restructure our responses to an increasingly chaotic period. Mercury and Pluto will conjunct again at the end of next month when Mercury goes direct, giving us the chance to check our progress.

Read Today's Forecast

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