Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 6 - December 12
The Sagittarius New Moon opens up an optimistic new landscape.
This week begins with the powerfully activating Mars/Pluto square that was building for most of last week. Impatience gives way to decisions and action. Many may be hiding any of their uncertainty or insecurity behind a mask, while displaying definitive, determined certainty. However, despite the early action, this week really turns on Friday's early morning New Moon (19° Sagittarius 2:21 AM PST), coupled with the expanded awareness from a Pallas/Pluto conjunction. Once the intensity of the Mars/Pluto square begins to dissipate and the theatrical mask of certainty comes off, we are left with the repercussions of the powerful, transformative decisions and decisive actions we have made. We are finally leaving a maze of blind corners and uncertainty to find a passionate determination to let go of insecurities and embrace the new beginning that is being offered by the challenging but highly optimistic New Moon. The theatrical mask of confidence is most prominent on Sunday. By Monday, we realize that our decisions have set into motion a series of transformative events. By Tuesday, the die is cast and whether or not we were really sure becomes irrelevant to the current situation. The Moon arrives in Sagittarius on Wednesday afternoon, ahead of the New Moon, and there is a new feeling of optimism that is grounded by Mercury's entrance into Capricorn. We are encouraged to plow the ground for new initiatives and clear away biases and fallacies that are blocking our path. Thursday offers profound release that provides awareness of what needs be purged and what might be salvaged for future use. Friday's creative Venus/Neptune trine provides further opportunities for important adjustments. By Saturday, we seem to be fully aware of the dramatic, transformative new course we have set. Although we may be fully aware of the significant challenges we will face, the mood is a adventurous, rather than concerned or fearful.
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