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Sun 21° Sagittarius 25' 10"
Moon 18° Taurus 47' 58"
Mercury 07° Sagittarius 08' 54" 
Venus 06° Aquarius 32' 51"
Mars 05° Leo 55' 44" 
Ceres 01° Aquarius 58' 59"
Pallas 04° Capricorn 45' 01"
Juno 13° Scorpio 15' 56"
Vesta 21° Libra 17' 03"
Jupiter 15° Gemini 33' 57" 
Saturn 13° Pisces 20' 49"
Chiron 19° Aries 08' 02" 
Uranus 24° Taurus 12' 56" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 08' 17"
Pluto 00° Aquarius 31' 05"
TrueNode 03° Aries 21' 39" 

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 1 - November 7

Continuing pressure after last week's Full Moon

The push is on this week to squeeze every bit of production and progress from last Tuesday's powerful Full Moon (3° Taurus/Scorpio 5:05 AM PDT). Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday and sets a tone of determined, demanding effort. It won't be easy to ease up on ourselves and let go when we find obstacles or begin to feel frustrated and overwhelmed. The Mars/Venus conjunction finally culminates on Tuesday, increasing the ability to use charming persuasion but also increasing the sensitivity level and potential frustration. Jupiter opposes Chiron and quincunxes Uranus for most of the week, encouraging a desire to produce something unique and definitive. However, compassion and understanding will require giving up a bit of idealism and that won't be easy. As well, Vesta is conjunct the South Node in Pisces, which increases the tendency towards strict, demanding approaches. Finding a way to let go in this determined atmosphere won't be easy either. Sunday's socially active atmosphere covers a deeply emotional sense of determination and potential impatience. The Moon arrives in Leo on Monday but things slow down significantly and will power alone won't get things moving. Rather than using deception to get our way, we'll need to back off and maintain integrity. Tuesday's opportunities arrive through surprising, spontaneous developments and some amazing displays of resourcefulness. Wednesday is somewhat free-wheeling but there are strong temptations to try to lead others astray or spin some tall tales. Thursday provides more surprises and swift progress but we are also made aware that there are significant details to work through before we really get to where we want to be. Personal pressure and self-sufficiency reaches a peak on Friday when letting go seems to be almost impossible. However, on Saturday, we finally realize that we have got to lighten up or risk becoming completely overwhelmed.

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