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Sun 14° Taurus 07' 29"
Moon 18° Pisces 57' 38"
Mercury 18° Aries 50' 34"
Venus 05° Taurus 41' 48"
Mars 02° Aries 39' 42"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 10' 24"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 37' 52" 
Juno 06° Virgo 43' 46"
Vesta 11° Cancer 04' 51"
Jupiter 24° Taurus 50' 56"
Saturn 16° Pisces 54' 13"
Chiron 20° Aries 52' 19"
Uranus 22° Taurus 33' 57"
Neptune 29° Pisces 01' 15"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 13" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 23' 12"

Weekly Horoscope: March 12 - March 18


Virgo/Pisces Full Moon - The Clean-Up

This week begins with a Full Moon (7:53 AM PDT 22° Virgo/Pisces). The restricting square to Saturn that begins to develop with the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon creates the set-up for a significant feeling of constraint during most of the week. Essentially, the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon demands a significant clean-up. While the work that is required may be obvious, the difficulty that we face is that we don't seem to be able to clearly articulate our personal need for proper recognition or approval for our efforts. There are sudden and unpredictable course changes that are likely to develop following the Full Moon. Personal emotions are wrapped in with the unpredictable developments in a way that is likely to produce a significant amount of discomfort. Mercury moves into Aries on Monday which quickens our minds but may only lead to impatience and the strong desire for quick solutions. However, this atmosphere demands patience and a methodical process. We need to remember that 'Time Takes Time' and the process that we find ourselves wrapped up in this week is not likely to yield any quick or easy solutions. As we near the end of the week, we will see some sudden, unpredictable course changes — perhaps even 180° turnarounds.

Sunday's Full Moon reveals that there is a significant amount of work to be done. The inclination is to take things quite personally and emotions may feel quite raw. Mercury arrives in Aries on Monday, quickening our minds but creating some impatience when quick results aren't readily available. The Sun conjuncts Chiron on Tuesday, helping to produce a remarkably healing atmosphere. However, we must be willing to engage and participate in the healing process or we will miss an important opportunity. The feeling of restriction on Wednesday may help to keep us focused — or produce an intense desire to break free and pursue an independent course. Patience is required to make the most of the powerful, transformative energy that is available on Thursday. We see surprising and sudden course changes on Friday and Saturday, creating the need for even more adjustment and adaptability. Finding proper recognition and acknowledgement continues to be an important factor in our personal, emotional comfort.

Daily Astrological Currents - Virgo/Pisces Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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