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Sun 07° Taurus 23' 48"
Moon 14° Sagittarius 04' 49"
Mercury 16° Aries 05' 30"
Venus 27° Aries 09' 33"
Mars 27° Pisces 19' 13"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 34' 55"
Pallas 05° Sagittarius 19' 31" 
Juno 06° Virgo 22' 36"
Vesta 08° Cancer 34' 25"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 13' 54"
Saturn 16° Pisces 17' 44"
Chiron 20° Aries 28' 54"
Uranus 22° Taurus 10' 12"
Neptune 28° Pisces 48' 43"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 05' 48"
TrueNode 15° Aries 29' 48" 

Virgo Full Moon

Virgo Full Moon - Protect & Serve

"Without struggle, no progress and no result. Every breaking of habit produces a change in the machine."

— George Gurdjieff

This week's breakthroughs are indeed profound — mystical in their depth and promise. However, they may only be seen on a subtle level — perhaps even only through paying particular attention to evidence of subconscious activity. There is something like a 'unity consciousness' developing within smaller groups — our 'tribe', our community, or our family circle as individual perspectives are shared more and more productively. Tuesday's Virgo Full Moon (4:40 AM PST 16° Virgo/Pisces) solidifies our instinct to 'protect and serve' any group with which we feel some connection. We can begin to recognize the importance of the connections we have within that group, understanding that it is our individual responsibility to 'carry our weight' in the service of 'our group'. Saturn finally leaves Aquarius just after the Full Moon and arrives in Pisces, shifting our focus away from rebuilding and repairing 'established structures' and aiming our attention towards connecting with other individuals in common service to something larger than ourselves. It is under this transit of Saturn in Pisces that we can learn to integrate our individual perspective into the service of a common purpose. We are likely to recognize that the old habits and routines which have provided the underlying 'structure' of our lives are losing the satisfaction they once provided to us. These old habits represent the last vestiges of a past that is now well behind us. The recognition that we need to make adjustments to our routines and habits is how we realize that there is indeed a shift taking place. This week's most exciting breakthroughs come through the joining of Vesta, Jupiter, and Chiron in Aries, which completes at the end of the week. In Aries, this conjunction provides a learning 'clinic' for existing and prospective new leaders. The inclusion of Vesta in this mix helps us to understand the sacrifices that are needed in order to make use of the new insights that come from integrating the perspectives of others into our own understanding. This week will not bring any sort of 'Global Unity Consciousness' envisioned in Utopian idealism. The relative strength and power of individual perspectives is certainly enough to fracture such grand visions. But this week's developments do suggest that we are beginning to transform the way that we view ourselves as distinct individuals within a larger context and how we should view the responsibility of individual leadership.

There is a struggle between individuals who seek to assume a central leadership position on Sunday. We are torn between maintaining individual integrity and making sacrifices in order to become a part of something 'larger'. Service is the focus on Monday as we find increased value in our connections to those around us. We recognize the need to 'carry our weight'. Tuesday's Virgo Full Moon highlights the need for sacrifice in order to be of service to others. A clear plan of action is called for. Without much momentum on Wednesday, we will do well to allow inspiration to 'filter' into our 'creative core'. Distractions may actually prove to be interesting opportunities. It isn't easy to 'find a groove' on Thursday. We are encouraged to make adjustments in order to break free of outmoded routines and habits. Friday's intensity increases the demands that we let go of old habits. Cooperation is difficult to manage and there seem to be few places to 'hide'. Saturday's breakthroughs are quite promising in terms of our understand of shared sacrifice and effective leadership. The importance of integrating our efforts with a larger, common purpose is highlighted.

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