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Sun 20° Aquarius 08' 23"
Moon 02° Cancer 43' 38"
Mercury 19° Aquarius 30' 14"
Venus 03° Aries 01' 46"
Mars 18° Cancer 33' 03" 
Ceres 23° Aquarius 59' 42"
Pallas 27° Capricorn 02' 52"
Juno 28° Scorpio 10' 51"
Vesta 12° Scorpio 27' 29"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 18' 34"
Saturn 18° Pisces 16' 33"
Chiron 19° Aries 45' 07"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 51"
Neptune 28° Pisces 11' 53"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 17' 41"
TrueNode 28° Pisces 02' 51" 

Jupiter-Chiron Conjunction

Jupiter-Chiron Conjunction - Expanding Perspectives

"We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny."

— Martin Luther King, Jr.

Last week's determined independence breaks apart this week under a barrage of new information and shared perspectives. The fabric of new connections creates something of a paradigm shift where shared perspectives are merged, producing innovative new approaches. Last week's 'sharp elbows' and raw individual perspectives are softened in an increasingly easy-going atmosphere. Venus mixes into the forming Jupiter-Chiron conjunction, which will complete by March 11th, following the Virgo Full Moon (4:09 AM PST 16° Virgo/Pisces) on March 7th. We are essentially preparing for the breakthroughs that will come next week by beginning to learn from others through shared insights and understanding. The early part of the week is filled with a swirl of new connections and 'information sharing' that may be overwhelming to many of us. There is a need for careful consideration. We may be tempted to try to make quick choices or embrace isolated facts without a complete picture or adequate context. The challenge of organizing our thoughts may lead us to try to rely on simple logic and precise investigation. Ignoring intuitive clues and how emotional elements may hamper our understanding will increase the confusion. The race for quick, clear answers is generally unproductive. The need to incorporate intuitive gut feelings and common sense becomes increasingly apparent. A mid-week Mercury-Saturn conjunction actually helps us to blend logic and intuition, allowing us to learn how to incorporate differing perspectives into our own understanding. The Venus-Jupiter/Chiron conjunction and Mercury's arrival in Pisces, just after a Mercury-Saturn conjunction, produces a much more easy-going 'live and let live' atmosphere, allowing the subtle merging of different perspectives into entirely new and innovative approaches. There are certainly complications that result from taking in so much information and some may be inclined to hide in some sort of dreamy idealism when the complications feel too confusing to sort out. However, by the end of the week, when the Moon arrives in Leo, the stakes are raised and we are urged to display what we are learning, even if others are uncomfortable. Responsibility is demanded as we approach the Virgo Full Moon. The lines between our individual perspectives and the perspectives of those around us begin to blur in what is essentially a unification process. Saturn's arrival in Pisces next week, only minutes after the Virgo Full Moon, will further blur those lines. This week's lessons offer the potential of producing a powerfully coherent blending of different individual perspectives into whole new ways of cooperation and collaboration.

Energy is electric on Sunday but some may only be overwhelmed by the increase in energy. Valuable information floods through our interactions with others. Information sharing heats up on Monday. We may be tempted to make quick choices without fully understanding the context of those choices. Information begins to feel disjointed on Tuesday. We need to incorporate intuition into our logical analysis. We gain some extra ability to blend logic and intuition on Wednesday. There is a a soothing 'live and let live' attitude. The easy-going atmosphere is enhanced by Mercury's arrival in Pisces on Thursday. However, we may go too far and retreat into a dreamy idealism — especially if the swirl of information has become too confusing or complicated. Friday's Leo Moon helps to snap us out of our 'dreamy idealism' and look for ways to display what we have learned from the swirl of new information. We can show how we are integrating the perspectives of others into our own understanding. Responsibility is demanded on Saturday. We feel enough freedom to express our 'upgraded' individual perspectives, even if others feel uncomfortable. We may actually begin to see our own perspectives integrated into the perspectives that others are expressing.

Daily Astrological Currents - Jupiter-Chiron Conjunction - Weekly Horoscope

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