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Sun 04° Leo 54' 51"
Moon 26° Aries 24' 30"
Mercury 01° Virgo 04' 19"
Venus 19° Leo 23' 54"
Mars 04° Gemini 32' 40"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 05' 47" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 48' 20"
Juno 25° Virgo 41' 40"
Vesta 16° Leo 45' 01"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 34' 31"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 31" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 43' 04"
Neptune 29° Pisces 45' 58" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 13" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 16"

Venus-Pluto Conjunction

Venus-Pluto Conjunction- Managing The Message

"There's several ways of saying what's on your mind. And in states and counties where it ain't too healthy to talk too loud, speak your mind, or even vote like you want to, folks have found other ways of getting the word around. One of the mainest ways is by singing."

— Woody Guthrie

Mercury moves through the last degrees of Sagittarius this week, emerging from the retrograde shadow by Wednesday. We may feel inclined to be open and direct about what we're thinking. However, in practice, the process of communication is far more complicated than we expect. Mars and Jupiter are in secretive Scorpio in tight aspect to the Sun, Venus-Pluto conjunction — all in Capricorn. Rather than speak truth openly and directly, we wind up working very hard to put the right spin on things as we massage and manage our delivery to achieve the right effect. Unfortunately, we are more likely to feel frustration and mistrust rather than develop any satisfying communication. We need to honor our truth without worrying about how our message will be received. As we move through the week, there are, in fact, significant opportunities to convey our deeply held, passionate beliefs and engender important cooperation. However, we need to overcome our mistrust and find the courage to believe in ourselves.

The week begins with powerful creative and artistic impulses, aimed at breaking free of any restraints. However, balance must be carefully maintained in order to avoid missing important opportunities. We may feel ready to roll out our exciting ideas on Monday but it isn't as easy we may have thought. By trying too hard to control and shape our message, it may become hopelessly garbled. We gain a bit more courage on Tuesday, and determination to just speak our minds is very strong. Mercury arrives in Capricorn late on Wednesday, and our tone becomes more cautious and methodical. The Moon is VOC nearly all day on Thursday. Any attempts to clear the air or open up broader lines of communication are unlikely to succeed. However, the Moon arrives in Sagittarius on Friday, which produces a much more open and direct atmosphere, which offers the opportunity to clear up mistrust and buried hostilities. We reach a stopping place on Saturday, ahead of next Tuesday's New Moon (6:17 PM PST 26° Capricorn). By taking the opportunity to clear up an lingering hostilities, we will be able to make the most of next week's New Moon energy.

Daily Astrological Currents - Venus-Pluto Conjunction - Weekly Horoscope

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