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Sun 24° Virgo 50' 34"
Moon 12° Pisces 41' 42"
Mercury 13° Virgo 12' 32"
Venus 22° Libra 51' 24"
Mars 07° Cancer 18' 25"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 51' 11"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 39' 55"
Juno 13° Libra 18' 17"
Vesta 11° Virgo 00' 17"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 34"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 18" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 37" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 18" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 09" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 05" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 33" 

Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus Stations Direct - Pioneering Independence

"In youth, it was a way I had,
To do my best to please.
And change, with every passing lad
To suit his theories.

But now I know the things I know
And do the things I do,
And if you do not like me so,
To hell, my love, with you."

— Dorothy Parker,
Indian Summer

A strong feeling of destiny builds throughout this week. By week's end, the Sun's light will carry the laws of Saturn (the January 2nd Sun-Saturn conjunction) through the transformative shadows of Pluto, as punctuated by last Saturday's New Moon (5:28 PM PST 15° Capricorn). There are new limits and boundaries that we are just beginning to recognize. However, Uranus stations direct on Sunday and the surge of pioneering independence is notable even though it may not last as long as we think. Uranus will return to Taurus on March 17th, shifting our focus to establishing a new sense of security and taking our attention away from pure independence. The strict demands of the New Moon have been laid out, whether we choose to recognize them or not, and will be increasingly apparent throughout the year of 2019. Venus moves into free spirited Sagittarius on Monday and begins to form a trine to Mars that won't culminate until next week. The added energy and optimism begins to build right away, giving Mars added courage to push forward with pioneering independence (culminating on February 12th with an explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction). Despite the energy surges, responsibility and self-control remain the 'coin of the realm' and the New Moon's demands have set important new boundaries and limits that we ignore at our peril. In fact, these are the destiny forces that we can feel — new limits for a New Society. We may find ourselves wrapped up in playful or rebellious attempts to test the limits and push beyond the boundaries. However, it is wise to understand that, in fact, change has come and there is no going back.

The sense of destiny is apparent on Sunday as Uranus stations direct and provides a surge of independence. Venus arrives in free-spirited Sagittarius on Monday, heading into a trine to Mars and beginning an affair that will last through the middle of the month when the trine culminates on January 16th. It may not be easy to focus on Tuesday, under Mercury's square to Mars. The importance of responsibility and self-control are apparent. Relationships are unsteady on Wednesday and the Pisces Moon creates a fog of uncertainty. There may be strong temptations to sidestep important responsibilities on Thursday. Vanity and a desire for approval could take us far off-course. The Moon is VOC most of the day Friday, possibly leading to some misguided playfulness and misunderstandings. We may have a strong desire to test new limits and boundaries and on Saturday. However, change has come and, try as we might to alter destiny's course, there is no going back.

Daily Astrological Currents - Uranus Stations Direct - Weekly Horoscope

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