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Sun 21° Sagittarius 26' 56"
Moon 19° Taurus 13' 27"
Mercury 07° Sagittarius 07' 59" 
Venus 06° Aquarius 34' 51"
Mars 05° Leo 55' 36" 
Ceres 01° Aquarius 59' 36"
Pallas 04° Capricorn 45' 43"
Juno 13° Scorpio 16' 29"
Vesta 21° Libra 17' 48"
Jupiter 15° Gemini 33' 43" 
Saturn 13° Pisces 20' 54"
Chiron 19° Aries 08' 00" 
Uranus 24° Taurus 12' 52" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 08' 18"
Pluto 00° Aquarius 31' 08"
TrueNode 03° Aries 21' 26" 

Sun-Saturn Trine

Sun-Saturn Trine - Embracing Discipline

"Oh, these vast, calm, measureless mountain days, days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God."
—John Muir

We continue to carry the energy of last Monday's Full Moon (11:10 AM PDT 15° Aquarius/Leo) which had Mars pumping up our energy and confidence levels. Although that confidence may have begun to wane a bit with the waning Moon, this week's Sun-Saturn trine helps to shore up our resolve by gently nudging us towards a more methodical, deliberate and disciplined approach. Saturn is nearly stationary all week and will turn direct by the end of next week. Saturn's station will begin to encourage us to take another look at more traditional methods and approaches. Nonetheless, many of us will strain on our leashes and try to break free of any perceived restraints as the Sun approaches the trine to Uranus. Uranus will be a significant factor in next week's exciting Solar Eclipse New Moon (August 21, 11:30 AM PDT 28° Leo). The Sun will also carry potent benefits into that New Moon from this week's conjunction with the North Node. We should not forget that Mercury is now retrograde and we may find that we need to make several attempts to get our message across. Don't give up! Our extra efforts at communication are well worth the trouble. Mercury's turnaround in Virgo turns our attention to 'deferred maintenance', both in our relationships as well as in our practical affairs.

Sunday's Sun-Saturn trine helps to slow us down enough to embrace a deliberate, methodical approach. The Taurus Moon also helps to stabilize the atmosphere. Monday's Venus-Pluto opposition may serve to create an obstacle course of power struggles. However, we are most likely to just be feeling the need to strain at the leash of restraint fostered by the Sun-Saturn trine. Restraints are lifted a bit on Tuesday but we may not be ready for the freedom. Chaos replaces order and the lack of restraint increases the dangers of self-indulgence. The Sun's conjunction with the North Node and the Moon's trine to Jupiter on Wednesday produce a marvelously generous atmosphere. We may actually need some of that restraint again in order to keep from becoming a little too self-indulgent. We get the chance to take a break on Thursday, ahead of the coming excitement from next week's New Moon trine Uranus. The early morning Moon-Neptune conjunction on Friday may have us wanting to stay in an engaging dreamscape instead of getting up and facing the day — possibly even blaming whoever forced us to get going. But once we are activated, there will be increasing energy to tackle whatever obstacles we face. We may see the beginning of a return to 'Regular Order' on Saturday, but there is too much independence to accept anything that is truly obsolete just because of tradition.

Daily Astrological Currents - Sun-Saturn Trine - Weekly Horoscope

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