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Sun 04° Leo 41' 21"
Moon 23° Aries 04' 48"
Mercury 00° Virgo 54' 56"
Venus 19° Leo 06' 32"
Mars 04° Gemini 23' 01"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 08' 10" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 46' 44"
Juno 25° Virgo 37' 10"
Vesta 16° Leo 38' 32"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 31' 53"
Saturn 18° Pisces 49' 08" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 42' 40"
Neptune 29° Pisces 46' 08" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 33" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 08"

Leo-Aquarius Full Moon
Weekly Horoscope: August 6 - August 12

Leo-Aquarius Full Moon - Teamwork

"Liberation just creates space for courage. . . What is courage the evidence of? Passion! . . . Passion to be the someone that you were born to be."
—Matt Kahn, True Divine Nature

We begin the week with the increasingly intense drumbeat signalling Monday's powerful Leo-Aquarius Full Moon (11:10 AM PDT 15° Aquarius/Leo). The insecurity of the last New Moon (July 23rd, 2:45 AM PDT 0° Leo) has been glossed over by an appealing layer of self-confidence and sociability. However, by the end of this week, Mercury will turn retrograde and lead us towards a liberating exploration of buried and hidden self-doubts that continue to tap our courage. We may feel excitement and even decisive self-confidence under the bright light of the Full Moon. The story of Icarus is important this week as we feel the giddy excitement produced by this powerful Full Moon. Our excitement and certainty actually leaves us increasingly vulnerable to misinformation or even outright deception. As we move past the Full Moon, there are strong temptations to push forward and ignore any suggestion that we need more thoughtful deliberation before trying to make further headway. Any attempt to move forward before we complete the upcoming process of review offered by the retrograde Mercury will produce something like the loss of wings when Icarus flew too near the Sun.

Excitement builds once the Moon arrives in Aquarius early Sunday Morning. There is a strong sociability and cooperative teamwork. Energy is released on Monday under the powerful Aquarius-Leo Full Moon which offers strong feelings of self-confidence and the willingness to work cooperatively. There is a strong sense of relief on Tuesday as the pressure seems to have subsided. A giddy sense of excitement begins to build which may lead us to believe we have found a window of opportunity. By Wednesday, many will sense that we are on the precipice of a major shift. However, instead of immediately making the leap, we'll need to take a few steps back — something like getting a running start. Thursday's VOC Moon provides extra space to expand our perspective. Temptations abound under Friday's passionate Venus/Neptune trine. We'll need to be especially cautious about taking our friends and allies for granted. Mercury stations retrograde on Saturday and the review process begins. We'll have important opportunities to clear away self-doubts and strengthen our self-confidence through a process of review and improve our ability to express ourselves more directly.

Daily Astrological Currents - Leo-Aquarius Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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