Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon
Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon - Roots
"To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him."
— Buddha
The week begins with an extraordinarily powerful Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon that helps us to broaden our perspective and expand our understanding of both what is visible — above — and what is deep beneath the surface — below. Last week's emphasis on making lasting changes naturally leads us to go deeper into our understanding of how the past informs the future. We are also finding increasing determination to demonstrate our independence and self-sufficiency. However, it may be difficult to build effective cooperation or humbly accept the input of others. Individual judgement is questionable. Many seem to be determined to act independently and 'keep our own counsel'. Discipline and humility are called for in order to stay away from overly idealistic optimism and continue to follow through on last week's intense activity and insight that challenged us to work on creating lasting change. If we are not able to stay disciplined on our own, we may find that the universe provides us with lessons that teach us the value and importance of discipline and follow through. Over-optimism and self-indulgence will quickly lead to disappointment. Ultimately, the only way to ease any challenges is likely to come through humbly accepting helpful input from trusted friends and advisors. Without the requisite willingness, The Universe will continue to stall our progress. Once we become willing to put 'first things first' and stop chasing tantalizing dead ends, we will find that our progress is smooth and stable — if not spectacular.
Sunday's Scorpio-Taurus Full Moon expands our perspective significantly. We may feel increased protectiveness for our inner circle. However we are also inspired to expand that circle. Monday sets up the need for communication, cooperation and humility. We may feel some tendency to draw back, either to comment from the sidelines or to keep our personal agenda under wraps so that we don't have to hear the criticism of others. Compassion opens the door to better communication on Tuesday. However, we will also feel a strong need for independence. Blending humility with independence will produce surprising rewards. Mercury emerges from the shadow of the last retrograde period, suggesting a feeling of freedom. However, curiosity may lead us astray. We need to keep 'first things first' and avoid the temptation to ignore previously laid plans. Independence is strong on Thursday but threatens to take us off course, rather than inspiring us to follow-through with our plans. Idealism may be fed by spiritual insight on Friday. However, we still need to maintain proper discipline or risk set backs and disappointments. Responsibility is the key. There is a significant ramp-up of activity on Saturday. However, detachment seems to work against us and may cause us to miss important details. The value of trusted friends is unmistakable.
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