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Sun 13° Libra 32' 26"
Moon 21° Scorpio 54' 57"
Mercury 17° Libra 37' 29"
Venus 16° Scorpio 03' 51"
Mars 17° Cancer 34' 49"
Ceres 11° Capricorn 58' 11"
Pallas 08° Sagittarius 59' 35"
Juno 20° Libra 04' 45"
Vesta 20° Virgo 04' 16"
Jupiter 21° Gemini 19' 22"
Saturn 14° Pisces 01' 09" 
Chiron 21° Aries 35' 45" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 46' 17" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 05' 52" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 38' 59" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 09" 


Mars-Pluto - Lasting Changes

"All meaningful and lasting change starts first in your imagination and then works its way out. Imagination is more important than knowledge."

— Albert Einstein

Thursday morning's Mars-Pluto conjunction this week suggest that there are some very strong imperatives to make lasting changes. Since April 2nd, when Mars made a conjunction with Saturn, Mars has been seeking ways to unwind feelings of limitation and frustration. Pluto emboldens Mars, offering the opportunity to take action and create the lasting changes we have envisioned. However, we need to maintain humility and patience or risk losing control of the vast energy that is available. Without awareness and balance, this week's energy could produce significant restlessness as well as encourage violence or other forceful attempts to coerce and manipulate others for our own gains. Venus arrives in Gemini this week, which may help to keep our tone a bit lighter and encourage our curiosity — and the willingness to be adaptable and explore a variety of alternatives. However, Venus in Gemini can also become restless very quickly and the darker side of Gemini can be prone to sudden depression or despondency if things don't move as quickly as we think they should. Nonetheless, Venus will help us to use our imagination and intuitive insight to work in cooperation with others to keep things moving forward. Since Saturn is now retrograde in Capricorn, we should also remember to look to our past experiences and abilities for clues to how we can be more effective in our current circumstances and efforts.

Sunday's 1st quarter Moon creates a building sense of imperative and a strong desire to create lasting change. Imagination is strongly supported on Monday, increasing our awareness of a wide variety of possibilities. There is some danger of 'making mountains out of molehills' on Tuesday as well as a significant amount of restlessness. Mercury squares Saturn on Wednesday, ahead of Thursday morning's Mars-Pluto Conjunction. We may or may not see the need to slow down. Nonetheless, patience, humility, and adaptability are all crucial to keeping a lid on the extraordinary level of energy and determination. The Moon is VOC on Thursday until 6:12 PM PDT but the evening hours open the door to productive and fruitful discussion and cooperation. Intuition is strong on Friday but it may be difficult to follow through, due to some significant doubt and insecurity. Nonetheless, activity increases on Saturday and our sense of imperative builds even more, ahead of this Sunday's Full Moon (April 29 5:58 PM PDT, 9° Taurus-Scorpio).

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-Pluto - Weekly Horoscope

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