Saturn-Uranus Trine
Saturn-Uranus Trine - Solidifying Change
"You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind."
—Mahatma Gandhi
The Saturn-Uranus trine builds throughout this week, creating an imperative to somehow 'nail down' new ideas, new beliefs, and new initiatives that have been developed through independence and 'free thinking' — a process that has been forming and developing since the Uranus-Pluto square (2012) first began to open the doors to significant changes. Mercury arrives in Sagittarius as we begin the week, helping us to clarify our message with an optimistic approach. Last week's defensiveness dissipates and there are some moments when we feel like we've been given a 'fresh start'. We're being given an opportunity to get to the core of what we're trying to accomplish and pare away some of the 'dead weight' or superficial 'window dressing'. Venus moves into Scorpio mid-week, which initially seems to soften the questions and skepticism. However, we could easily mistake the charm for a willingness to compromise. Rather, the charm is only a cushion that serves to keep the skepticism and challenges at bay while we seek alternative routes to the ultimate goals. Venus is not very comfortable in the Scorpio realm of purging and letting go — transformation and transcendence feels at odds with Venus' desire to attract and possess. In this atmosphere, purely self-serving means and motivations will continue to find challenges. However, if our new ideas and initiatives are tuned into serving the greater good, this week's environment will help us to peel away meaningless or unnecessary details and unveil the beauty within the core of our new ideas and insights.
The mood lightens a bit with Mercury's entrance into Sagittarius on Sunday. An independent attitude seems a bit more attractive. Emotions are unsteady on Monday. It's easier to point out discrepancies in the ideas of others, rather than defend our own ideas. Venus' move into Scorpio on Tuesday brings a rather helpful charm to some serious challenges. However, it isn't quite enough to really lighten the mood. We are activated and excited by Wednesday's bold atmosphere. However, it's important to remember that 'the ends don't justify the means'. Thursday's restrained atmosphere should not be mistaken for weakness. We will find that challenges surface quickly if we attempt to run roughshod over the feelings or goals of others. Charm breaks down on Friday as the imperative of the Saturn-Uranus trine pushes us to solidify our plans. Saturday brings a great deal of nervous indecision until we 'hunker down' and let go of the superficial elements that are weighing us down and blocking our path towards are underlying goals.
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