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Sun 21° Sagittarius 26' 42"
Moon 19° Taurus 10' 06"
Mercury 07° Sagittarius 08' 06" 
Venus 06° Aquarius 34' 35"
Mars 05° Leo 55' 37" 
Ceres 01° Aquarius 59' 31"
Pallas 04° Capricorn 45' 37"
Juno 13° Scorpio 16' 25"
Vesta 21° Libra 17' 42"
Jupiter 15° Gemini 33' 45" 
Saturn 13° Pisces 20' 53"
Chiron 19° Aries 08' 01" 
Uranus 24° Taurus 12' 53" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 08' 18"
Pluto 00° Aquarius 31' 08"
TrueNode 03° Aries 21' 28" 

Sagittarius New Moon

Sagittarius New Moon - New Clues

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete."

— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This week challenges us to focus on finding our internal sense of direction and stability. We gain only a few clues from Tuesday's potent Sagittarius New Moon (7:05 AM PST 4° Sagittarius) of how to navigate towards a more safe and secure position. In fact, the New Moon's quincunx to Uranus suggests that we are turning a 'blind corner' which may obscure the significant effort that will be demanded. Faith is required (along with an internal navigation system) in order to take advantage of the newly forming stability in the atmosphere. Neptune stations direct, providing the promise of increased faith, inspiration, creativity — but also a 'fuzzy' sense of direction and an increasingly foggy atmosphere. We may take some solace in a feeling of camaraderie and group efforts of various kinds. However, there are some dips in the road and discouragement is a significant factor when the demands seem to become oppressive. However, by focusing on collaboration and 'group efforts' — something larger than ourselves — discouragement fades. We find ways to hold tightly to optimism despite the developing challenges and demands indicated by Jupiter's arrival in Capricorn next Monday. We seem to have an aversion to any overt suggestions that we should 'hunker down for a long haul'. Even so, we seem to be gently guided towards doing just that through a growing interest in working collaboratively within a larger group towards a greater purpose of some kind.

Sunday's Mars-Uranus opposition serves to engender a broadening humanitarian focus. Our efforts are deeply foundational. A VOC and 'dark Moon' on Monday brings some edgy emotions with few outlets. However, Tuesday's Sagittarius New Moon has us turning the corner on uncertainty. We may only feel a subtle indication that the change has occurred but the effects will quickly become apparent. Wednesday brings some discouragement and/or a feeling of being 'lost at sea without a compass' Trying to conform or please others is especially discouraging. Despite the growing awareness of upcoming demands and challenges, we hold tightly to optimism on Thursday. The Venus-Uranus trine provides broad freedom for individual expression. Camaraderie and group effort is our salvation on Friday, helping us to bridge the chasm between determined optimism and the increasing demand for responsibility. Unlimited possibility permeates the atmosphere on Saturday. However, we should not settle for superficial agreement — authenticity is paramount.

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