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Sun 06° Taurus 46' 22"
Moon 05° Sagittarius 53' 28"
Mercury 16° Aries 01' 20"
Venus 26° Aries 22' 07"
Mars 26° Pisces 49' 30"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 30' 51"
Pallas 05° Sagittarius 28' 02" 
Juno 06° Virgo 21' 29"
Vesta 08° Cancer 20' 48"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 04' 58"
Saturn 16° Pisces 14' 12"
Chiron 20° Aries 26' 42"
Uranus 22° Taurus 08' 01"
Neptune 28° Pisces 47' 31"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 05' 41"
TrueNode 15° Aries 31' 57" 

Jupiter Enters Capricorn

Jupiter Enters Capricorn - Negotiating With Establishment

"There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear"

Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on Monday and Mercury leaves the shadow of the last retrograde period by Saturday. Although these shifts are significant and bound to eventually provide more clarity and certainty, there are only subtle clues available this week that let us know that "the times, they are a-changin'". As Jupiter enters Capricorn, it begins to form an exciting and energizing trine to Uranus, providing enormous ability and the desire to break new ground. However, Jupiter must negotiate with the 'establishment' boundaries of Capricorn before fully revealing the truth, wisdom and insight that it is ready to bring forth. With both Mercury and Mars still in Scorpio and Venus crossing the South Node, we are not inclined to trust that our insights — our truth — will be full appreciated and so we hesitate and hold back, waiting for a more receptive 'audience'. Our sense of direction remains 'fuzzy' this week, despite the tremendous amount of courage and determination that we may feel. We are riding high on the idealism initiated by last Tuesday's Sagittarius New Moon (7:05 AM PST 4° Sagittarius) but solutions remain elusive and there is a strong sense that we need some kind of cover before going out on any limbs. Ultimately, patience and faith are required this week — 'this too, shall pass'. In the meantime, the forming Mars-Saturn sextile is offering increasingly promising opportunities to lay the groundwork and plan strategies so that we will be ready when the time is finally right to break new ground.

Ambition is high on Sunday. However, we may become increasingly frustrated by slow progress. Courage and determination need to be tempered by patience and caution. Jupiter's entrance into Capricorn on Monday is rather subtle under the VOC Moon. Nonetheless, the shift in tone is significant. We may be especially sensitive on Tuesday, under the Pisces Moon. There are welcome openings for mending fences and bolstering alliances. Ultimately, we're looking for signs of approval and appreciation. The generally 'fuzzy' sense of direction peaks on Wednesday and begins to ebb slowly. Although 'new ground' is not far off, we're not quite there yet. Despite Thursday's activating energy, we're not really ready to fully open up or 'let our guard down'. Our focus seems to be centered on reading our 'audience', rather than changing minds. A bit of independent defiance begins to emerge on Friday. However, the general discontent does not seem to offer enough cover to fully break away from the pack and make a unilateral stand. Another all day VOC Moon period on Saturday continues the need for patience. Timing is everything and it's just not time yet — soon!

Daily Astrological Currents - Jupiter Enters Capricorn - Weekly Horoscope

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