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Sun 24° Virgo 51' 45"
Moon 12° Pisces 59' 59"
Mercury 13° Virgo 14' 44"
Venus 22° Libra 52' 53"
Mars 07° Cancer 19' 06"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 51' 20"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 40' 18"
Juno 13° Libra 18' 43"
Vesta 11° Virgo 00' 52"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 39"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 13" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 34" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 17" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 07" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 05" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 32" 

Weekly Horoscope: February 26 - March 4


Pisces Eclipse - Anxious Confusion

This week starts with a somewhat weakly positioned New Moon (February 26th, 8° Pisces 6:58 AM) — the Pisces Eclipse — that needs some help in the form of clearly defined objectives and a strong sense of direction. We might hope that we could at least make some inroads through productive communication and the free exchange of ideas. Unfortunately, there is little help to be found in this week's environment to gain traction, establish productive lines of communication or develop a clearly defined course of action. Instead, there is a strong sense of idealism that, for the most part, sees communication as cumbersome and draining. As well, Venus is slowing down, pulling off her 'rose-colored glasses' and showing us that there are many more adjustments to be made before we can begin to pursue our idealistic goals. The most likely response to any perceived need for adjustment is indecision, made even more problematic through over-activity that only further confuses the situation. The best strategy to employ, as we make our way through this particularly foggy atmosphere, is to reinforce a strong commitment to our most deeply held principles, holding tightly to our highest and best standards. Weakness and uncertainty is made even more apparent if we try to increase the pace of activity or feel the need to respond to every unexpected stimulus. It is more important than ever to take time to consider our next move, especially if we feel anxious and uncertain.

Communication is particularly troublesome on Sunday, the day of the Pisces Eclipse, as Mercury approaches a conjunction with the South Node. There is even more uncertainty on Monday and self-esteem is weakened in an atmosphere of general discontent. Some may gain a measure of inspiring insight on Tuesday by resolving to return to the bedrock of basic principles and setting aside most of our more questionable, idealistic intentions. Whether or not we find some core grounding, Wednesday sees stepped up activity and a gambling instinct that leads to us try to quickly make broad gains. The Jupiter/Uranus opposition is exact on Thursday but the Taurus Moon tamps down much of the idealistic fervor in favor of a more comfortable repose. The Moon is VOC almost all day Friday. We may see the need for much adjustment but there is little support to initiate any significant changes. Self-discipline offers a glimmer of hope for incremental progress on Saturday, even though there is still little clear sense of direction.

Daily Astrological Currents - Pisces Eclipse - Weekly Horoscope

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