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Sun 04° Leo 41' 20"
Moon 23° Aries 04' 39"
Mercury 00° Virgo 54' 55"
Venus 19° Leo 06' 32"
Mars 04° Gemini 23' 00"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 08' 10" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 46' 44"
Juno 25° Virgo 37' 10"
Vesta 16° Leo 38' 32"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 31' 53"
Saturn 18° Pisces 49' 08" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 42' 40"
Neptune 29° Pisces 46' 08" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 33" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 08"

Weekly Horoscope: February 19 - February 25


Mars Square Pluto - Cardinal Crisis

There is a loose Grand Cardinal Cross that is strongly triggered this week by Mars square Pluto and the tension-building Mars/Uranus conjunction, which will be exact just before next week's Pisces New Moon (February 26, 8° Pisces 6:58 AM PST). The waning Pluto/Uranus square is already activated by Jupiter's station in Libra. Vesta in Cancer completes the full Cross effect. Cardinal signs are highly activating and the cardinal square energy can often seem to be crisis-driven. However, the square aspect can also hold things together, even when we might prefer that they would just fall apart (or radically change). Adding Mars energy to this equation produces an increasingly extreme amount of nervous tension all week. Nonetheless, the helpful Jupiter/Saturn sextile offers us a relief valve. By remaining circumspect and keeping our eyes on a broader perspective, we can use this week's extraordinarily activating energy to develop an ongoing, broad, yet flexible, strategy. We will garner important information that will be immensely valuable and effective as we go forward. Nonetheless, the urge to act prematurely and/or impulsively is inescapable this week. The Sun in Pisces may offer some inspiration and intuitive guidance but could also be the source of a considerable amount of fog. By the end of the week, Mercury joins the Sun, South Node and Neptune in early Pisces, leading to the potential for misplaced sympathy and hasty, delusional zealotry. As we approach the coming 40 days (and 40 nights) of the retrograde Venus period (March 6 - April 15), we need to prepared to be very careful in responding too quickly or forcefully to whatever we think we see once the Venusian 'rose-colored glasses' come off and reality is illuminated in a much starker light.

We get the week's best dose of reliable intuition on Sunday, helping to unwind the tail end of last week's confusion. There is a dip in confidence on Monday, which may help some to maintain flexibility and gain some balance that will be helpful throughout the week. Nervous tension begins to build on Tuesday in a restrictive environment. Take a 'time-out', if needed, to avoid acting impulsively on an incomplete set of facts. The Moon's conjunction with Pluto on Wednesday triggers the Grand Cross and sets up some frustrating obstacles. Frenetic, over-activity and impulsiveness could lead to some rather erratic behavior under Thursday's Aquarian Moon. Whatever time can be spent quietly meditating, rather than acting on all of the noise, will be most beneficial. The pull between opposing forces increases the tension even more on Friday. By Saturday, when the Moon and Mercury both arrive in Pisces, it is at least more obvious that the fog is just too thick to really take any kind of effective action. Nonetheless, the tension is inescapable.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars Square Pluto - Weekly Horoscope

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