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Sun 13° Libra 33' 32"
Moon 22° Scorpio 08' 22"
Mercury 17° Libra 39' 23"
Venus 16° Scorpio 05' 12"
Mars 17° Cancer 35' 23"
Ceres 11° Capricorn 58' 25"
Pallas 08° Sagittarius 59' 58"
Juno 20° Libra 05' 09"
Vesta 20° Virgo 04' 48"
Jupiter 21° Gemini 19' 23"
Saturn 14° Pisces 01' 05" 
Chiron 21° Aries 35' 42" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 46' 15" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 05' 50" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 38' 59" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 08" 

Mutable Squares

Mutable Squares - Chaotic Progress

"Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny."

This week's atmosphere may seem quite chaotic at times, even though many things seem to fall into place spontaneously under this week's mutable squares. Our minds are a swirl of insights and ideas with very few opportunities to focus directly on the tasks at hand. Nonetheless, feelings of responsibility are quite strong and, even though there is a strong sense of independent idealism, we are constantly reminded that we need to consider the needs of others. Ultimately, we'll do better by listening than trying to talk above the fray. Nonetheless, this week's mutable squares offersus the opportunity to demonstrate the lessons we've learned about the importance of our connections to others. The strong idealism and independence may keep steering us back to self-centered concerns — especially if we're feeling any jealousy or resentment about not getting our fair share. However, a strict sense of responsibility to others has us continuing to look for ways to create win-win opportunities. The past two months under the retrograde Venus have encouraged us to build a new framework for our relationships — a framework where we don't have to sacrifice our own needs in order to help and support others. This week's journey ultimately leads us towards a more deeper understanding of interconnectedness. If we are successful, we'll begin to see how others don't have to lose for us to win.

Sunday's excitement and generosity merges nicely with strong intuition. We seem to find an extremely productive balance between our needs and the needs of others. Monday's heightened activity may make it more difficult to maintain the necessary balance amidst a Brain Storm of insights and ideas. The strong sense of responsibility could keep us chasing half baked ideas rather than staying focused on the tasks at hand. A desire for excitement could lead us to take some unnecessary risks on Tuesday. Competitiveness could get out of control. It's much more productive to listen on Wednesday, rather than trying to talk over nonsense. There's a strong concern over appearances, rather than substance. Excitement dissipates on Thursday as a desire for security takes the edge off some of the idealism. However, we may be tempted to stir up excitement in unproductive ways if we believe we're missing out on something important. Listening becomes easier on Friday. Mercury moves back to the Sagittarius-Scorpio cusp, helping us to focus on what is important which, in this atmosphere, is our connection to others. Heightened inspiration brings powerful creativity on Saturday. We should try to stay away from focusing on material gains and simply enjoy the expanded inspiration.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mutable Squares - Weekly Horoscope

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