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Sun 20° Aquarius 09' 12"
Moon 02° Cancer 54' 28"
Mercury 19° Aquarius 31' 39"
Venus 03° Aries 02' 18"
Mars 18° Cancer 32' 53" 
Ceres 24° Aquarius 00' 01"
Pallas 27° Capricorn 03' 09"
Juno 28° Scorpio 10' 00"
Vesta 12° Scorpio 27' 42"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 18' 34"
Saturn 18° Pisces 16' 38"
Chiron 19° Aries 45' 09"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 51"
Neptune 28° Pisces 11' 54"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 17' 42"
TrueNode 28° Pisces 02' 46" 

Weekly Horoscope: February 12 - February 18


Jupiter transiting Libra - Broadening Perspectives

The gauntlet was laid down by last week's Full Moon (4:32 PM PST 22° Leo/Aquarius) and Jupiter transiting Libra turning retrograde. We were challenged to distinguish our own perspective from the perspective of others. The turn we make this week requires us to actively engage with others and elicit their perspective without abandoning our own. The overall effect, however, is more likely to lead to increasing uncertainty rather than help to clarify a clear line of action. As Venus slows down (to turn retrograde March 6th) and the Sun arrives in Pisces, clarity and certainty seem to slip further from our grasp. Some may resort to a defensive attitude in the face of increasing pressure and uncertainty. Ultimately, we need to allow our perspective to expand and keep the lines of communication open. We'll need to keep a close eye on our emotional attachment to just being right, instead of looking for a broader sense of truth, insight and understanding. Jupiter transiting Libra, sextiling Saturn in Sagittarius, encourages a broader search for truth and understanding.

The Virgo Moon on Sunday keeps us focused on the details, which could make us feel mired 'in the weeds'. However, we'll find more insight and inspiration than we might expect so we should stay with the process. Activity increases on Monday afternoon but we need to slow down enough to listen to input from others and keep our perspective as balanced as possible. Cooperation and a balanced perspective becomes even more important on Tuesday, although we may feel some impatience with ourselves for needing to ask for input from others. Uncertainty grows on Wednesday even though the mood is generally adaptable and easy going. We need the reassurance of others but, in order to receive it, we have to keep the lines of communication open. We feel less comfortable sharing any uncertainty on Thursday. A creative process or project of some kind that leaves aside certainty for exploration will help us to regain some sense of balance. The lack of clarity on Friday could lead to some significant defensiveness if we feel any pressure to take definitive action. Once the Sun arrives in Pisces on Saturday, the pressure to draw some kind of conclusion creates a particularly chaotic atmosphere but little definitive certainty. The tendency to feel overwhelmed can be at least somewhat alleviated by those who are willing to lend a sympathetic ear.

Daily Astrological Currents - Jupiter transiting Libra - Weekly Horoscope

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