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Sun 04° Leo 53' 06"
Moon 25° Aries 58' 32"
Mercury 01° Virgo 03' 07"
Venus 19° Leo 21' 38"
Mars 04° Gemini 31' 25"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 06' 06" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 48' 08"
Juno 25° Virgo 41' 05"
Vesta 16° Leo 44' 10"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 34' 10"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 36" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 43' 01"
Neptune 29° Pisces 45' 59" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 16" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 15"

Mars-South Node

Mars-South Node - Clearing Anger

"Anger is a manifestation of a deeper issue... and that, for me, is based on insecurity, self-esteem and loneliness."

— Naomi Campbell

Mars has passed the square to Uranus but moves into a tricky conjunction with the South Node this week. Whatever lingering, impatience, frustration and anger that is stirred up by the Mars-South Node conjunction need to be cleared away through honesty and cooperation. Under a Mars-South Node conjunction, anger can be particularly destructive. There is a strong tendency to try to push through obstacles instead of taking enough time to find cooperation. We may feel additional frustration with Chiron moving back into Pisces, increasing the challenge of clearly describing everything we're seeing and feeling. In this atmosphere, the subtle shift of Chiron may increase defensiveness and keep us from fully taking responsibility for the challenges we're facing. Monday's Full Moon adds to the pressure by producing a building sense of imperative, leading us to believe that whatever we're trying to make happen needs to happen right now! We may be dogged by some uncertainty at the beginning of the week but after the Full Moon, we will have to admit that courage and certainty isn't enough — we have to get cooperation from others in order to move past the obstacles. Ultimately, we seem to pull through by staying focused on our responsibilities. Rather than being driven by fear, obligation, or threat, we can begin to recognize the value of staying grounded and making steady, deliberate progress. That is not to say that we need to stay completely safe in a dull, repetitive rut. Rather, a sense of responsibility helps the bring the innovative energy of Mars in Aquarius into tangible form.

We may feel particularly unsteady on Sunday, finding only a few hazy intuitive clues to keep us on track. Even so, the imperatives are building and we feel compelled to use whatever clues we can find. Monday's Full Moon brings increased urgency but also more courage and determined independence. However, Chiron returns to Pisces on Tuesday and we begin to recognize that courage and determination won't be enough without some cooperation. We need to focus on clarifying our message and give others the freedom we're demanding for ourselves. We'll be more productive on Wednesday if we focus on service, instead of advancing our own agendas. The Taurus Moon on Thursday increases our determination but leads to less inclination to cooperate or listen carefully to what others are trying to tell us. Friday's challenge is simply letting go of control and overcoming the determined need to be 'right' — simple, right? By Saturday, however, things seem to fall into place in an entirely different way and we tentatively open the door to better communication and the free flow of ideas.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-South Node - Weekly Horoscope

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