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Sun 20° Aquarius 06' 18"
Moon 02° Cancer 15' 40"
Mercury 19° Aquarius 26' 36"
Venus 03° Aries 00' 25"
Mars 18° Cancer 33' 28" 
Ceres 23° Aquarius 58' 54"
Pallas 27° Capricorn 02' 06"
Juno 28° Scorpio 10' 29"
Vesta 12° Scorpio 26' 55"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 18' 32"
Saturn 18° Pisces 16' 18"
Chiron 19° Aries 45' 03"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 50"
Neptune 28° Pisces 11' 49"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 17' 37"
TrueNode 28° Pisces 03' 02" 

Mars-South Node Conjunction

Mars-South Node - Conserve Energy

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

— Ecclesiastes 3:1

Our ability to make forward progress or take direct action is dampened significantly by this week's Mars-South Node conjunction. We need to conserve energy and seek to open a variety of lines of communication in order to be effective in this environment. While we may be able to maintain the Big Picture perspective that gained focus last week, we aren't able to manifest very much on the ground in the tangible, material world. It may feel that the swirls of chaos and mountains of information will never settle down and the feeling of being seriously overloaded could be extreme. However, by midweek. Mercury reaches the superior conjunction with the Sun and we find heightened intellectual capacity to sort through much of what has us overloaded. The more that we are able to open new lines of communication and create new cooperative alliances, the more that we will be able to access our past experiences and understand how we can apply it to our current situation. Although the Moon continues to wane in light all week and we don't have many chances to really make tangible forward progress, this week eventually offers us an atmosphere where we can talk through the details and and unwind any significant errors or missteps while we prepare for the new surge of energy from next Wednesday's Gemini New Moon (22° Gemini, 12:43 PM PDT)

Sunday offers us wide latitude for opening productive lines of communication. We need to conserve our energy and spend extra time in contemplation. The Moon is VOC all day Monday and clear, complete documentation is lacking. A flood of stimulation on Tuesday brings significant overload. A shadowy atmosphere leaves many of us looking for clarity. Some may be tempted to fill the shadows with dishonest or misleading information. We gain an intellectual boost on Wednesday. An aggressive approach to promoting new ideas needs to be tempered with responsibility and humility. The value of working lines of communication is apparent on Thursday. The obstacles to direct action culminate. By Friday, we emerge from the energy drain. We are, nonetheless, forced to check and recheck every move and correct any errors quickly. We'll need to find some detachment on Saturday in order to make the most of our past experiences. Taking time to talk things over with others will help us remember what we actually know.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-South Node Conjunction - Weekly Horoscope

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