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Sun 07° Taurus 23' 23"
Moon 13° Sagittarius 59' 17"
Mercury 16° Aries 05' 27"
Venus 27° Aries 09' 01"
Mars 27° Pisces 18' 53"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 34' 53"
Pallas 05° Sagittarius 19' 37" 
Juno 06° Virgo 22' 35"
Vesta 08° Cancer 34' 16"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 13' 48"
Saturn 16° Pisces 17' 42"
Chiron 20° Aries 28' 53"
Uranus 22° Taurus 10' 10"
Neptune 28° Pisces 48' 42"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 05' 48"
TrueNode 15° Aries 29' 50" 

Gemini New Moon

Gemini New Moon - Brain Storm

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

— Mahatma Gandhi

This week's Gemini New Moon (Wednesday, June 13th, 12:48 PM PDT 22° Gemini), takes us into a wilderness that is swirling with heightened intellectual activity and conflicting emotions. We may find ourselves feeling like we're trying to survive a chaotic Brain—Storm. During the storm, none of the pieces seem to fit together and refuse to fall into place in any sort of order. The paradox here is that the more protective we become during this chaos, the less safe our overall visions, agendas, or goals actually are. In fact, this is the time to remember that there is safety in numbers and work especially hard at maintaining open lines of communication — even if we don't always seem to get reliable information over those open lines. What this week's journey is actually teaching us is that we will do better with our own goals by actively helping others. Although it may not be terribly easy to see, there is more overlap and a broader purpose to be embraced and expanded upon than what is clear from our own mental and intellectual processes. Our emotions may seem to keep us bogged down and confused this week but we will need to remember that our emotions are connected to our broader inspiration. Both intellect and emotion are important and, while they may not seem to blend well this week, we should not make the mistake of honoring one over the other. As well, in order to emerge successfully from this week's Storm, we'll need to remember how much more successful we can be when we are first helping others.

The week begins with a particularly benevolent atmosphere that encourages us to expand and strengthen our connection with others. Sunday offers an extraordinarily pleasant social atmosphere. Monday brings even more opportunities to make valuable connections with others. However, we should not expect this environment to last forever. We'll do better to take advantage of the temporary period of extraordinary good will to strengthen important ties and alliances. By Tuesday, intellectual activity begins to swirl ahead of Wednesday's New Moon. However, Mercury arrives in Cancer and begins to stir up some confusing and conflicting feelings. The swirl of activity heats up on Wednesday but the challenges are difficult to identify or make sense of. We'll do better to avoid placing too much focus on protecting our own ideas at the expense of others. Emotions briefly hold sway on Thursday and confidence seems to wane. Confidence dips even further on Friday. The solution is to work towards helping others rather than trying to blaze an independent path in an effort to advance our own, self-serving motivations and goals. The Moon arrives in Leo on Saturday and makes an opposition to Mars, leading to some potentially explosive outbursts. However, once the air clears, we find that our own priorities are more clearly defined and this week's iintellectual/emotional storm seems to have subsided at least a bit.

Daily Astrological Currents - Gemini New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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