Weekly Horoscope: November 6 - November 12
Mars in Aquarius - Impatience for Change
Despite the grounding qualities and exceptional creative inspiration of last week's New Moon, (October 30th, 10:38 AM PDT 7° Scorpio), there were particularly erratic and unpredictable elements to contend with and with Mars in Aquarius, that won't change. As work through the first quarter phase of that lunar cycle this week, we are challenged to synthesize last week's insights and develop an organized approach in order to move forward effectively. However, although determination and persistence are extraordinarily strong, we may find ourselves scattered and unfocused if we can't manifest the necessary elements of self-discipline and responsibility. Mars, Mercury & Venus all change signs this week. We make a turn away from looking for inspiration and begin to focus on attracting and maintaining attention. The crux of this week's issues center on staying honest, even when the facts don't serve us as well as we would like. Rather than seeking to obscure and manipulate the facts, we'll need to use the available determination and vitality to organize our insights as we adapt to the series of planetary transitions we step through this week.
Whether or not we have a clear goal or workable approach, Sunday's determination is undaunted and even bolstered by surging vitality. Our focus shifts away from investigation on Monday. We find ourselves more and more concerned about attracting and maintaining attention, respect and approval from others. By Tuesday afternoon, when the Moon arrives in Pisces, we may finally have to admit that we don't feel we're entirely up the the tasks we find in front of us. Our attention seems scattered and focus is difficult to maintain. There is some tendency to try and cover up whatever weakness we feel. Mars moves into Aquarius late Tuesday night, initiating a restless urge to make sweeping changes. Wednesday offers little direct support for clarifying our thoughts or position. Personal responsibility is called for but we may be tempted to manipulate information in order to make ourselves look better. By Thursday, we feel the consequences of any tendency to 'Cherry Pick' only information that elevates our personal position. Such tactics are only likely to produce extreme disappointment. Venus arrives in Capricorn on Friday and the Sun makes a healing trine to Chiron. We arrive at a stopping place where we have the opportunity to accept and acknowledge whatever shortcomings we may have tried to hide or hide from. Mercury gets to Sagittarius on Saturday, increasing our capacity for gaining a broad perspective and organizing the wealth of insight and inspiration that has been produced during the current lunar cycle. We'll need to simplify the issues in order to get to the heart of the matter ahead of next Monday's Full Moon (5:51 AM PST 22° Taurus/Scorpio).
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