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Sun 15° Taurus 17' 41"
Moon 06° Aries 35' 05"
Mercury 19° Aries 39' 38"
Venus 07° Taurus 10' 00"
Mars 03° Aries 35' 23"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 14' 56"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 18' 32" 
Juno 06° Virgo 49' 07"
Vesta 11° Cancer 31' 38"
Jupiter 25° Taurus 07' 55"
Saturn 17° Pisces 00' 14"
Chiron 20° Aries 56' 19"
Uranus 22° Taurus 38' 07"
Neptune 29° Pisces 03' 19"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 09" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 24' 35"

Weekly Horoscope: October 30 - November 5


Scorpio New Moon - Powerful Grounding

This week begins with a powerfully grounding Scorpio New Moon on Sunday (10:38 AM PDT 7° Scorpio) that opens the door to a broad shift in consciousness. However, what is happening on the superficial level may seem to be particularly erratic, unpredictable and, at times, extremely irresponsible. Nonetheless, this week's atmosphere is full of profound creative inspiration, if not steady, methodical activity. There is also fantastic regenerative energy that seems to go to work just when we need a second wind. Perhaps a old friend resurfaces or a project on the back burner is rekindled. The key this week is found in the keen intuitive insight that gets us right to the heart of the matter. However, we may need to see past that particularly odd behavior in order to grasp the underlying messages that are being relayed. Once we see it, the truth seems obvious. We say, "Of course! How could I have missed this!" For those with eyes to see, this week's revelations are really quite stunning in their clarity and simplicity.

Sunday's New Moon sets off an inspirational water trine that takes us into deep emotional water. However, the inspiration could lead us to believe that we're a bit more clever than we really are. Humility is called for. There's a strong feeling on Monday that a burden of some kind has been lifted, bringing optimism and self-assurance. Tuesday's open and inclusive atmosphere provides space for a wide-ranging set of perspectives. By Wednesday, the creative juices really start flowing but we shouldn't expect a whole lot of consistency. Some of the ideas may be pretty far out in 'left field' and some folks may seem to be acting pretty erratic. Stay with the process! Thursday's VOC Moon brings a dubious sense of invincibility but could allow a bit too much room for irresponsibility. However, responsibility returns on Friday and we are led into even deeper and more creative waters. By Saturday, there is building acceptance of differing perspectives and recognition that even the 'quirkiest' among us have an important message to share.

Scorpio New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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