Mercury-Vesta Conjunction
Weekly Horoscope: July 30 - August 5
Mercury-Vesta Conjunction - Decisions
"Before his death, Rabbi Zusya said "In the coming world, they will not ask me: 'Why were you not Moses?' They will ask me: 'Why were you not Zusya?"
—Martin Buber
The Leo Sun and the waxing lunar cycle combine to suggest an extraordinarily momentous week for individual foundation building or 'individuation'. We are guided by strong intuition and aided by a fair amount of luck. The strong will and fixity of Leo is clearly on display this week but Venus arrives in Cancer to help us muster a bit of finesse and charm in attracting attention and feeding the Leo ego, rather than simply relying on bluster and bombastic displays. A Mercury-Vesta Conjunction occurs mid-week and stokes strong will-power with decisiveness and clear focus. There is also an intellectual element that lends a powerful rhetorical capacity with an inclination to use semantic flourishes to further any debate. However, it isn't the external debates that are really this week's focus. Rather, this week's journey is about building internal confidence and letting our light shine outward with powerful brilliance. It is also important to note that Uranus stations to go retrograde this week, which suggests some reexamination of any personal entanglements which are blocking our light.
For better or worse, there is a strong permanency in Sunday's activity, which may either help us to lay a firm foundation or create some inflexible obstacles to navigate. The Moon is VOC in Scorpio all day Monday and we will want to wait until Tuesday before deciding whether to trim any seeming 'dead weight'. Luck is on display on Tuesday, encouraging some of us to grab the proverbial 'Brass Ring'. Luck encourages the Mercury-Vesta conjunction's decisiveness on Wednesday but the strength of previously laid foundations is crucial to support continuing progress. There is an exhilarating feeling of independence on Thursday, fostered by the Moon's trine to Uranus. However, we may not be as invincible as we may think. The tests begin on Friday and accountability is demanded. By Saturday, we face an ongoing struggle to maintain balance as we begin to make a sharp turn around a blind corner. Next week's Full Moon (August 7th, 11:10 AM PDT 15° Aquarius/Leo) will demand that we show our courage, along with confidence in ourselves.
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