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Sun 29° Aries 18' 30"
Moon 03° Virgo 22' 03"
Mercury 17° Aries 47' 53" 
Venus 16° Aries 55' 34"
Mars 20° Pisces 54' 00"
Ceres 19° Capricorn 32' 28"
Pallas 06° Sagittarius 56' 09" 
Juno 06° Virgo 19' 53" 
Vesta 05° Cancer 42' 28"
Jupiter 21° Taurus 19' 14"
Saturn 15° Pisces 30' 12"
Chiron 20° Aries 00' 05"
Uranus 21° Taurus 42' 28"
Neptune 28° Pisces 32' 33"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 03' 30"
TrueNode 15° Aries 35' 56"


Cusps - Building Bridges

"Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through"

The light from last week's New Moon (8:01 AM PST 15° Scorpio) begins to illuminate remarkable changes this week. Cusps continue to be significant. Jupiter is on the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp at the beginning of the week and, by week's end, Mars crosses the Aquarius/Pisces cusp. Also, Ceres leaves its mission of organization in Libra, entering Scorpio, where it will help us to make the most of whatever tools are at our disposal. Venus stations to go direct but passes the baton of review to Mercury as it stations to go retrograde on Friday. As our moods and outlook begin to improve, we may be subject to some over-optimistic expectations and wildly idealistic approaches. Nonetheless, this week offers generous and expansive perspectives. We begin to see new ways to make productive use of a new framework in our relationship to others. The retrograde Mercury will encourage us to review our philosophical perspective based upon this new framework. As Mars makes its way through Pisces, our actions become more intuitive and we may often be surprised to find resources at our disposal that we haven't previously recognized. Nonetheless, the changes may, at times, feel quite daunting — there are some steep mountains to climb this week. We should be prepared to be flexible and adapt quickly to new opportunities. But we also need to watch out for overreach and impulsiveness, especially under the forming Mars-Jupiter square late in the week. We may find that our concern over status and appearance increases as well. Despite the broadly expansive philosophical atmosphere, we may occasionally find ourselves slipping into short-sighted greed and superficial goals. Our focus on the bigger picture and long-range goals will hopefully bring us back to a solid understanding that, despite the increasing optimism, we still have far to go.

Courage and vitality are on display on Sunday but we'll need to guard against letting any conflicts escalate quickly. There's another steep mountain to climb on Monday. Activity may seem rather chaotic or erratic. Impulsiveness and risk-taking could undercut steady effort on Tuesday. By staying grounded in our previous efforts and accomplishments, significant progress is still possible. We may recognize a significant concern over status and appearance on Wednesday. Superficial pretense seems to temporarily take over from more idealistic pursuits and long-term goals. Mars arrives in Pisces on Thursday, increasing our reliance on intuition in taking action. Venus turns direct and Mercury turns retrograde on Friday. The mood is especially optimistic and upbeat but we shouldn't let our expectations get out of control. We're learning to deal with an altered relationship framework and we'll need to tread very carefully. We are likely to see relationship challenges on Saturday as we seek to adapt to the new environment. We'll do better to recognize that we need to 'slow our roll' or risk making the challenges worse.

Daily Astrological Currents - Cusps - Weekly Horoscope

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