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Sun 05° Leo 06' 12"
Moon 29° Aries 11' 44"
Mercury 01° Virgo 12' 03"
Venus 19° Leo 38' 29"
Mars 04° Gemini 40' 47"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 03' 48" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 49' 42"
Juno 25° Virgo 45' 27"
Vesta 16° Leo 50' 27"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 36' 43"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 00" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 02" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 43' 25"
Neptune 29° Pisces 45' 48" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 45' 56" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 21"

Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon - Starting Over

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

— Samuel Beckett

We move through a host of changes this week. We may or may not have found ourselves focused or concerned about The Greater Good over the past few weeks — that which is best for our family, tribe, or community. This week, as we reach Wednesday's Scorpio New Moon (8:01 AM 15° Scorpio), we begin to shift towards rediscovering our individuality and begin a process of individuation but within the revised framework developed under the retrograding Venus. Uranus retrogrades back into Aries for one more pass, encouraging us to revisit our need for individual expression. But now we have a new perspective on our values and personal relationships, which has changed our understanding of who we really are. The Scorpio New Moon encourages us to purge unworkable ideas and cut away dross and dead weight in order to make a fresh start. Jupiter joins Mercury in Sagittarius on Thursday and our optimism immediately begins to grow. The swirl of new ideas may become somewhat chaotic and our underlying support structures are challenged. Self-discipline is necessary to stay organized. While stubborn, individual determination is encouraged by the Sun in Scorpio, we also need to maintain our awareness of how the framework of our values and relationships has changed. In the cascading rush to reassert our individual perspective within this new framework, we cannot forget that the ideas and perspectives of others must still be honored and respected. Determination is strong this week, even if confidence dips from time to time. In truth, the dips in confidence may actually be blessings because it may help us to avoid running roughshod over others. The latter part of the week brings a marvelous Venus-Mars trine just as Venus reaches the station point to turn direct on the 16th. Our new values and the new framework of our relationships begins to fall into place in pleasant and surprising ways. Nonetheless, our support structure will be tested and we will need to do our best to stay grounded.

We may feel as though we have a very steep mountain to climb on Sunday as the Moon squares Saturn but by staying balanced, our focus will shift to action. Challenges continue Monday morning but confidence builds throughout the day, especially if we can adjust to the changing dynamics of our relationships. Tuesday's Scorpio Moon encourages stubborn determination but we need to pay attention to the needs and perspectives of others. Wednesday's Scorpio New Moon brings a strong determination to make a fresh start. However, we should be prepared to tread carefully as we adapt to a new framework in our values and relationships. The Moon and Jupiter both arrive in Sagittarius on Thursday, boosting optimism significantly. However, Mercury squares Neptune, bringing the need to be very clear and specific or risk dissipating the optimism through a lack of self-discipline. The Venus-Mars trine on Friday offers marvelous opportunities to restore our comfort level within our most important relationships. Our confidence may dip a bit on Saturday and we could easily become susceptible to flattery. The need for grounding is clear but the confidence drop may help us to maintain self-discipline and stay productive and on-track.

Daily Astrological Currents - Scorpio New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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