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Sun 24° Virgo 50' 10"
Moon 12° Pisces 35' 35"
Mercury 13° Virgo 11' 48"
Venus 22° Libra 50' 54"
Mars 07° Cancer 18' 11"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 51' 08"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 39' 48"
Juno 13° Libra 18' 08"
Vesta 11° Virgo 00' 06"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 32"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 20" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 38" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 19" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 09" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 06" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 33" 

Capricorn New Moon

Capricorn New Moon - Tangible Pathways

"The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter - for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way."

— Nikola Tesla

Confidence builds naturally this week, assisted by Jupiter's return to Aries on Tuesday. We are likely continuing to process the swirl of new ideas that were fostered by last week's Mercury-Uranus trine. It is important to note that Mercury will make two more trines to Uranus next month (January 8th, while retrograde and January 29th after resuming direct motion). Uranus will station direct (January 22nd) before the third trine from Mercury and Mars (currently retrograde in Mercury's 'domain' of Gemini) will also be direct (January 12th) by the third Mercury-Uranus trine. In essence, the 'idea' factory will continue to 'swirl' for most of January and we should be somewhat careful about clinging too tightly to any one wave of ideas and recognize that there is a 'process' of development during most of January. Jupiter's return to Aries increases our impulsiveness, along with our confidence levels, and we may feel deep urges to Charge Ahead without recognizing that there are still plenty of twists and 'turns' that we still can't see from where we are right now. We're looking for tangible pathways to escape from past restrictions — step out of 'the box' — and break new ground. However, we'll do well to stay as cautious as possible despite the fresh surge of energy, optimism, and enthusiasm. This year's Winter Solstice arrives with an idealistic Sun-Jupiter square that seems to demand action. The urge to take action increases following Friday's Capricorn New Moon (2:16 AM PST 1° Capricorn). As well, Chiron's direct station in Aries is urging the renewal of individual self-expression. Nonetheless, with Mars still retrograde in Gemini, we need to continue to focus on how well we're communicating our ideas — our vision — to others. Threads of self-righteous self-sufficiency surface with the Sun's arrival in Capricorn. We need to find ways to temper our idealism with better understanding of the perspectives of others. Of course, we shouldn't worry about what others think about us — or our ideas. That isn't really the challenge here. Rather, we are being shown the value of sharing our ideas with others and listening to what ideas others are developing. If we aren't careful (conscious and aware), this atmosphere could lead us to impulsively embark on a solipsistic journey that only traps us in disappointment and confusion. There are valuable opportunities this week to plant seeds of both innovation and understanding if we are willing to pursue steady lines of creative growth and follow through on our own vision while embracing the value of input from those around us.

We may feel quite stirred up on Sunday but the Libra Moon keeps us looking for more options and new alternatives. The weight of decision seems more weighty in the evening. Heavy moods and vague discontent keep us off balance on Monday, even though there is plenty of cleverness and witty optimism trying to break through. We should try to maintain some empathy for the struggles of others. Jupiter's return to Aries boosts enthusiasm and confidence on Tuesday. There are reverberations from last May, when Jupiter first 'dipped' into Aries. The Sun's entrance into Capricorn on Wednesday marks the Winter Solstice. Although we'd like to break out of 'the box' and display an innovative approach, we may be more inclined to stick with what is safe and 'sure'. The atmosphere feels a bit restrictive on Thursday, increasing our desire to break free. It's hard to make definitive breakthroughs. The Capricorn New Moon on Friday helps to open pathways into New Territory. However, a bit of caution is called for before we rush ahead without 'planning our route'. Self-confidence could easily turn into self-righteous self-sufficiency on Saturday. Personal responsibility is needed in order to avoid ignoring the value of what we find in those around us.

Daily Astrological Currents - Capricorn New Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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