Weekly Horoscope: January 8 - 14
Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon - Regaining Balance
Regaining balance and adapting to the New Year is an ongoing challenge all week. Despite an intense, determined push to put forward original new ideas and approaches, cautiousness and a desire for safety restricts any significant move one way or the other. There isn't likely to be any way out of this week's challenges except by going through them. Mercury stationed late in Sagittarius and doesn't get back to conservative Capricorn until early Thursday morning. Mercury's turnaround process seems to leave many so-called facts left out of the picture temporarily. New ideas and beliefs that challenge the existing order offer so much excitement that it isn't easy to stay balanced and fully investigate the questionable claims that are being tossed around. Thursday morning's Cancer-Capricorn Full Moon (3:33 AM PST 22° Cancer/Capricorn) brings the crisis-driven atmosphere to a crescendo, leaving us feeling quite protective and cautious as we seek some sense of stability.
There is significant defiance in the atmosphere on Sunday, revealing determined opposition to the existing order. However, information is particularly questionable. Activity heats up on Monday, encouraging a great deal of debate. It isn't easy to maintain confident self-assurance. Insecurity could lead to particularly irrational outbursts. The tone begins to shift on Tuesday afternoon when the Moon arrives in Cancer. Protectiveness leads to an effort to investigate any questionable beliefs. In Wednesday's lead up to Thursday morning's Full Moon, we are faced with powerful challenges and the potential for significant conflict. The Moon goes VOC on Thursday after the Full Moon. Mercury returns to Capricorn, bringing a far more cautious attitude and greater appreciation for real stability. There is a sense of restriction on Friday but those with the ability to show a dramatic flair may be able to side-step restriction and reveal a surprisingly balanced perspective. We finally get a chance to catch our breath on Saturday. Some may fall down a rabbit hole of recrimination and second guessing. However, we should remember that our mistakes can provide the raw material for a fresh start.
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