Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 20 - March 26
Aries/Libra Full Moon - Balancing the Excess
With the Sun's entrance into Aries at the end of last week, we've begun a New Solar Year and, this week, we feel the strong urge to clear the slate and make a fresh start. However, it doesn't take long to recognize the need for balance as Wednesday morning's Full Moon (3° Libra/Aries 5 AM PDT) brings with it a broadening awareness of the dangers inherent in excesses and going to extremes. The heightened energy brings excess in a variety of forms along with a tendency to push too hard, work too hard or speak too aggressively, especially when we are trying to compensate for any residual insecurities that we haven't quite managed to let go of under the healing atmosphere produced by the last New Moon (March 8th, 18° Pisces). The week begins with a strong desire to avoid outright conflict but some impatience to just get on with the show. Mercury arrives in Aries on Monday and the Moon conjuncts Jupiter, trining Pluto, encouraging us to work too hard in order to take advantage of what seems like unlimited possibility. However, it doesn't take long for us to 'run out of steam' and Tuesday's environment seems to force us to admit we can't do everything with just the force of our personal will. Initial calls for balance under Wednesday's Full Moon seem to be swamped by a sea of sharp-tongued rhetoric. However, the Full Moon marks a turn towards the dawning awareness that we need to find balance within ourselves instead of demanding it from the world around us. Saturn turns retrograde on Thursday, pointing us towards a re-examination of our personal beliefs. It begins to be less simple to rely on the beliefs of others or hold on too tightly to the excesses of one side or the other. The Moon arrives in Scorpio on Friday, which may encourage the tendency to indulge in suspicion. However, we have entered a new dimension of understanding which requires that we muster the courage to look deeper and not keep interpreting our world on the basis of old, outmoded beliefs. We move further into a new dimension of understanding on Saturday. There may be some vulnerability to trusting the wrong people but ultimately, the day comes down on the side of individual autonomy and powerful new perspectives.
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