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Sun 12° Taurus 50' 35"
Moon 29° Aquarius 57' 05"
Mercury 18° Aries 03' 15"
Venus 04° Taurus 04' 07"
Mars 01° Aries 38' 41"
Ceres 21° Capricorn 04' 52"
Pallas 03° Sagittarius 58' 32" 
Juno 06° Virgo 38' 28"
Vesta 10° Cancer 35' 43"
Jupiter 24° Taurus 32' 21"
Saturn 16° Pisces 47' 30"
Chiron 20° Aries 47' 55"
Uranus 22° Taurus 29' 23"
Neptune 28° Pisces 58' 56"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 06' 15" 
TrueNode 15° Aries 21' 22"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 29 - April 4

The broad reorganization that was initiated by the last New Moon on March 20th becomes more visible this week. As we begin to develop a new vision, our level of ego investment increases and we need to guard against becoming too concerned about getting validation or approval from others. Defensiveness may be a concern if we feel the need to justify our individual creative vision. With our egos on the line, we could feel the need to try to control others or alter our vision in order to make ourselves look better. As we begin to pivot from inner seeking to outer expression we may be tempted to abandon anything that we don't think will be acceptable to others. Both Sunday and Monday will reveal any missteps in the process of sharing our vision with others. Tuesday suggests the possibility of embarrassment and exposure if we have misrepresented our ideas and intentions just to make ourselves look better. By Wednesday, the ego concerns settle down and we have a better opportunity for productive interaction. As we approach Saturday's Full Moon (5:05 AM PDT 14° Aries/Libra), a strong imperative to stake out a position may lead some to believe that they need to use brute force or unethical tactics in order to get their way. However, this lunar cycle is just the first round in a process of reorganization that will be ongoing, at least through the end of the year. We shouldn't make the mistake of sabotaging ourselves by building our foundation on dishonesty or misrepresentation. We continue to be challenged to maintain our own position while allowing others enough room to do the same.

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