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Sun 02° Aquarius 15' 02"
Moon 04° Scorpio 18' 31"
Mercury 20° Capricorn 20' 09"
Venus 18° Pisces 52' 43"
Mars 23° Cancer 52' 48" 
Ceres 17° Aquarius 05' 49"
Pallas 20° Capricorn 26' 21"
Juno 24° Scorpio 29' 40"
Vesta 07° Scorpio 02' 37"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 34' 59" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 23' 04"
Chiron 19° Aries 14' 57"
Uranus 23° Taurus 17' 39" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 42' 12"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 43' 00"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 09' 29" 


Venus-Pluto - Transforming Relationships

"Do you desire to construct a vast and lofty fabric? Think first about the foundations of humility. "

— Saint Augustine

Venus reaches a potent, passionate, creative, and truly transformative conjunction with Pluto by the end of this week. The Venus-Pluto conjunction is intensified by the slowing of Venus, which will turn retrograde on December 19th. We are beginning to demonstrate the personal understanding that we have developed in our response to the powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction that occurred in January of 2020 and the subsequent societal/cultural shifts. Our responses are personal and our unique individual perspectives are shown through our relationships and the nature of the interactions we have with those around us. But the societal/cultural guidelines within which we are functioning are also changing, affecting how we relate to others. This is truly an evolutionary transformation that is seen through our personal relationships and interactions. However, as individuals, we are prone to fall back upon our understanding of what has worked for us in the past — the structures and guidelines we have relied upon to understand who we are in relationship to those around us. What is demanded by the extended Venus-Pluto conjunction is that we learn to relate more effectively within the new societal/cultural framework that is being formed, negotiated — ground and polished — under the long arc, 2021 Saturn-Uranus square. Perhaps what may be most significant about the Venus-Pluto conjunction, in this environment, is the potential to recognize that even the most monumental societal/cultural shifts involve personal interactions — precipitous interactions of powerful individuals who happen to be " in the room where it happens". In other words, even the most powerful 'power brokers' — the 'They' — are individuals who interact with each other personally. We are provided with important opportunities this week to recognize the power and value of our personal interactions. We are learning how to interact and relate within new guidelines and principles — a new structure. There are sporadic flashes of insight that are flowing into our consciousness. We are looking for ways to articulate these insights in ways that others can understand. This is where our ability to interact with others is evolving. Clearly, we are undergoing a structural, societal/cultural shift, following the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020. This week, these shifts are seen and understood personally through the nature and quality of our individual interactions and relationships.

The Capricorn Moon on Sunday provides clear, understandable guidelines and structure. Innovation and insight is tempered with humility. The freedom that we feel on Monday allows us to make smooth, thoughtful shifts in our approach. However, too much focus on the 'Big Picture' may have us missing important details. Increased passion and erratic behavior on Tuesday may derail our ability to stay within a productive structure. Passions increase even more on Wednesday and the flashes of insight make it difficult to stay focused. Innate organizational capacity and personal responsibility is needed to stay on track and avoid impatience. The tone changes significantly on Thursday. Optimism may be intoxicating but not fully grounded. We need to check our foundations carefully. Creative inspiration begins to provide some welcome assistance on Friday. Innovation, informed by our past experiences, allows us to shift and adapt enough to better articulate our message to others. Idealism and passion reaches a peak on Saturday. We may see some surprising shifts in direction as a result of quickly changing circumstances.

Daily Astrological Currents - Venus-Pluto - Weekly Horoscope

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