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Sun 29° Capricorn 39' 55"
Moon 04° Libra 15' 27"
Mercury 16° Capricorn 24' 07"
Venus 16° Pisces 30' 41"
Mars 24° Cancer 51' 48" 
Ceres 16° Aquarius 06' 34"
Pallas 19° Capricorn 27' 58"
Juno 23° Scorpio 53' 12"
Vesta 06° Scorpio 09' 00"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 42' 32" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 08' 02"
Chiron 19° Aries 11' 53"
Uranus 23° Taurus 18' 59" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 38' 34"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 39' 05"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 07' 49"

Scorpio Full Moon

Scorpio Full Moon - Power Shifts

"If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities."

— Maya Angelou

Last month's Taurus New Moon (April 22nd, 7:25 PM PDT 3° Taurus) initiated powerful shifts in leadership approaches. There is a budding potential for new leaders to emerge in the midst of the rapidly changing landscape. This current lunar cycle culminates with this Thursday's Scorpio Full Moon (3:45 AM PDT 17° Scorpio/Taurus), setting the stage for major shifts of power and control. This week provides remarkable opportunities to make valuable and long-lasting connections in preparation for significant challenges in the coming weeks and months. Saturn, Jupiter and Venus all turn retrograde next week, creating particularly strong headwinds to innovation, information sharing, and expansive new connections. The challenges will force a number of reexaminations through the Summer and into the Fall. Saturn stations retrograde May 10th and will return to Capricorn on July 1st. Our exploration of innovative new approaches requires that we take one more look at the structures of the past until Saturn returns to Aquarius on December 17th, 2020. The retrograde motion of Jupiter begins May 14th, which will involve more connections with Pluto (already retrograde) and demand that economic, corporate and governmental structures prove their value and efficiency before making any further expansion. The station of Venus on May 13th, will demand that we look for ways to clarify, review, and/or expose information that affects our personal resources and desire for safety and stabilization — superficial explanations will not be satisfactory. Nonetheless, we have the opportunity this week to make important preparations in order to effectively address these coming challenges, questions, and reviews. This is the time to lay down the markers of creative, innovative, and inspired ideas so that we can find them again, once the dust begins to settle.

Order and process is especially important on Sunday. Curiosity threatens to lead us astray if we don't listen closely to our intuition. The superior Sun-Mercury conjunction on Monday emphasizes the injection of new information and brings sudden changes in our understanding and our thinking. Also on Monday, the nodes shift from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius, bringing additional focus to new information but making conclusions more challenging. The Moon forms a Grand Air Trine with Mars and Venus on Tuesday, providing an important opportunity to make valuable connections with others through the sharing of valuable information. There is a dawning awareness on Wednesday that new directions need to be pursued and new leadership embraced. Thursday's Full Moon sets the stage for significant shifts of power and control. Some may prefer to avoid the spotlight instead of rising to the challenge but it is apparent that it is really only a matter of time until the time comes to take the bull by the horns. The Moon-Chiron trine on Friday offers important awareness that we have come to A Moment where preparations must be made and challenges must be faced. Too much stimulation on Saturday requires a first things first approach, despite the tempting distractions.

Daily Astrological Currents - Scorpio Full Moon - Weekly Horoscope

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