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Sun 06° Taurus 27' 28"
Moon 01° Sagittarius 47' 25"
Mercury 15° Aries 59' 00"
Venus 25° Aries 58' 09"
Mars 26° Pisces 34' 29"
Ceres 20° Capricorn 28' 45"
Pallas 05° Sagittarius 32' 16" 
Juno 06° Virgo 20' 59"
Vesta 08° Cancer 13' 56"
Jupiter 23° Taurus 00' 28"
Saturn 16° Pisces 12' 25"
Chiron 20° Aries 25' 35"
Uranus 22° Taurus 06' 55"
Neptune 28° Pisces 46' 54"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 05' 38"
TrueNode 15° Aries 32' 00" 

Pisces Mercury Retrograde

Pisces Mercury Retrograde - Telepathic Communication

"Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition."

— Madeleine L'Engle

Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces this week which produces waves of foggy confusion but also inspired, intuitive creativity. Mars arrives in Capricorn to begin the week. In Capricorn, Mars is 'exalted' and finds structure to channel our energy into productive efforts. However, in Pisces, Mercury retrograde means that our intellectual capacity is 'clipped' and fuzzy. We need to rely on intuition in order to navigate this week's shifts, which feel particularly challenging in terms of working within entrenched structures. We need intuition, rather than intellect, in order to make our efforts effective and productive. We are likely to be tempted to look for ways to 'blend in' and avoid crucial interaction in order to protect our integrity and our independence. This is a protective 'crouch' that may suggest that we are fearful. However, if we feel threatened or face challenges, we do respond forcefully, perhaps even surprising ourselves with the intensity of our defense. So we are less likely to be 'afraid' of speaking up but rather, we are protective of our ideas and see the potential of being misunderstood as a reason to hold back. Essentially, we are likely to see the Piscean 'shyness' on display but we will see the surprising 'slap' from the from the Piscean fish's tail if we make challenges based on perceived fear or weakness. Intuition is further supported by the Sun's arrival in Pisces on Tuesday evening. By the beginning of next week, at next Sunday's Pisces New Moon (7:06 AM PST 4° Pisces) our determination will become even more apparent and our intuitive insight becomes clearer. However, we will need to be prepared to be patient and defuse any anger or defensiveness as Mars approaches the South Node. If we can use this week to identify the areas that need resolution or closure, we will be especially well prepared for next week's shifts in direction.

Mars arrives in Capricorn on Sunday in a rather upbeat, enthusiastic and optimistic atmosphere. However, Mercury's station keeps us 'on the fence' as far as making any optimistic declarations or promises. Mercury turns retrograde on Monday, beginning a series of waves of confusion. Our general mood and tone is particularly circumspect. The tendency towards self-sufficiency may have us missing the importance of cooperation. There are several shifts in tone on Tuesday. The Moon's arrival in Capricorn could seem especially harsh, while the Sun's arrival in Pisces Tuesday evening increases our sensitivity significantly. We need some kind of 'handrail' to guide our steps. The tendency is to pull back on Wednesday, adopting a protective crouch to keep the integrity of our ideas safe. We may begin to open back up a bit on Thursday. However, any challenges will be met with an intense defense. The Mars-Chiron square on Friday brings us further out of our protective crouch but our emergence is in 'fits and starts'. There is little consistency in our behavior and few coherent lines of thought to follow. The lack of direction continues into Saturday under the VOC Moon in Aquarius. Attempts at coordination are unlikely to succeed.

Daily Astrological Currents - Pisces Mercury Retrograde - Weekly Horoscope

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