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Sun 29° Aries 23' 26"
Moon 04° Virgo 21' 43"
Mercury 17° Aries 45' 14" 
Venus 17° Aries 01' 47"
Mars 20° Pisces 57' 55"
Ceres 19° Capricorn 33' 12"
Pallas 06° Sagittarius 55' 19" 
Juno 06° Virgo 19' 47" 
Vesta 05° Cancer 44' 10"
Jupiter 21° Taurus 20' 24"
Saturn 15° Pisces 30' 42"
Chiron 20° Aries 00' 23"
Uranus 21° Taurus 42' 45"
Neptune 28° Pisces 32' 43"
Pluto 02° Aquarius 03' 32"
TrueNode 15° Aries 36' 03"

Neptune Oppositions

Neptune Oppositions - Tantalizing, Revolutionary Idealism

"If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution."

—Emma Goldman

Both Mars and Venus oppose Neptune this week. The Neptune oppositions stir a great deal of personal inspiration or, alternatively, fantasy-driven illusions. The Jupiter-Uranus opposition also culminates this week, which has the potential to feed any illusions with unrealistic idealism. A revolutionary fervor builds throughout the week but may be easily distracted or undercut with impatience and the desire for quick results. Nonetheless, we also see Pluto turning direct this week, beginning to turn our focus outward and inspiring us to look for ways to change the world around us, providing powerful support for revolutionary idealism and inspiration. The past few months have provided important lessons related to inner, personal self-confidence and the importance of teamwork. As we shift our attention to making changes to our external circumstances, we will hopefully be able to draw on those lessons. When we work within a team or pursue a cooperative effort, we need to maintain our individual perspective and personal self-confidence in order to bring our best into the group effort. Awareness is the key to keeping this week's energy from scattering our focus or leading us to display a great deal of erratic independence, which will not achieve the results we're hoping for.

The Moon is VOC nearly all day Sunday, while Mars opposes Neptune (one of two Neptune oppositions this week). Be careful of making sacrifices without understanding the true cost. Idealism could lead to disappointment. The atmosphere on Monday is chaotic but quite amiable. However, we should still be wary of the lack of clarity and make sure we slow down enough to really be sure of what we're doing. Perceptivity is heightened on Tuesday and we begin to coalesce around a desire to make real changes. We reach the first quarter lunar phase on Wednesday. The crisis-driven, expansive atmosphere fans the flames of revolutionary imperatives. Thursday's feel-good atmosphere could lead us to miss the powerful potential to effect long-term, lasting changes. Mercury gets to Libra on Friday and Venus opposes Neptune. There is a particularly dreamy idealism that is steering the agenda which is very difficult to understand or identify. We end the week in a very impatient mood, especially if we haven't seen as much progress as this week's idealism inspired us to expect. Saturday's erratic energy could encourage some clever mind games that seek to stir things up — or seek an 'end run' around ethical standards — which could be a particularly dangerous game.

Daily Astrological Currents - Neptune Oppositions - Weekly Horoscope

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