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Sun 05° Leo 05' 24"
Moon 28° Aries 59' 51"
Mercury 01° Virgo 11' 31"
Venus 19° Leo 37' 27"
Mars 04° Gemini 40' 12"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 03' 56" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 49' 36"
Juno 25° Virgo 45' 10"
Vesta 16° Leo 50' 04"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 36' 34"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 02" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 02" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 43' 24"
Neptune 29° Pisces 45' 49" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 45' 58" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 20"

Weekly Horoscope: June 5 - June 11


Mutable Cross 2016 - Reorganization

As we venture into the new atmosphere that was initiated by last week's New Moon (June 4th, 7:59 PM 14° Gemini), the recognition of the need for adjustments is unmistakable. However, responses will vary significantly and we'll need to understand that many of us are feeling quite sensitive and unsteady. Mercury leaves the shadow of its retrograde period and runs into an opposition to the still retrograde Mars in Scorpio. Criticism is easily interpreted as an immediate roadblock instead of helpful guidance. Our responses to criticism could easily be muted and sullen, rather than directly confrontational or confidently inquisitive. Nonetheless, adjustments are required this week and we'll need to actively follow through on whatever insights we can garner in order to adapt to the broader and unsettling reorganization that is underway during this month's Mutable Cross, involving Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, which is set off by the Sun's transit through Gemini. The Moon is VOC most of the day on Sunday, setting quite a confusing tone for the week. Distractions and disruptions seem to have us veering haphazardly off course all day. Monday's passions help us to regain some focus and channel our energy into more productive activity. The Mercury/Mars opposition begins to intensify criticism on Tuesday and Wednesday's Leo Moon keeps our egos a bit too much on guard, leading to some rather intense conflicts that may too easily be seen as just knit-picking. We gain some expanded perspective on Thursday, helping us to recognize that we aren't fully grasping where others are really coming from. This window of insight opens up some space for us to accept the reality that adjustments are indeed required. The Moon's arrival in Virgo on Friday provides tools for precise examination of our circumstances and situations, helping us to develop productive strategies to adapt to the rapidly changing circumstances. The peak of the Mutable Cross Chaos comes at Saturday's First Quarter Moon. We'll need to muster some extra courage to make the most of this period of reorganization. Precise attention to detail and detached investigation is required so we shouldn't let the chaotic energy push us to come to premature conclusions. The reorganization process will continue well past the Full Moon on June 20th (29° Sagittarius/Gemini) so there's still plenty of time to continue filling in the 'information gaps' before we have to make any firm commitments.

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