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Sun 24° Virgo 52' 06"
Moon 13° Pisces 05' 24"
Mercury 13° Virgo 15' 23"
Venus 22° Libra 53' 19"
Mars 07° Cancer 19' 19"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 51' 23"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 40' 25"
Juno 13° Libra 18' 50"
Vesta 11° Virgo 01' 02"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 41"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 11" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 33" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 17" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 06" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 04" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 32" 

Weekly Horoscope: June 12 - June 18


Mars Quincunx Uranus - Adjustment

Even though Jupiter has moved away from the square to Saturn, essentially beginning to break apart from the Mutable Cross, Mercury arrives in Gemini this week and will resurrect the Mutable Cross next week, carrying the light from the square to Neptune & opposition to Saturn (Monday, June 20th) to the square to Jupiter (Wednesday, June 22nd). This week, Mercury in Gemini serves as an important catalyst to open lines of communication, helping to bring clarity to some of the distracting noise and chaos that mutable squares can produce. Mercury also helps to pinpoint and unearth any buried or hidden frustrations produced by the currently retrograde Mars in Scorpio. The more we can do to promote resolution of those frustrations, the easier it will be to handle the energy released when Mars turns direct at the end of June. That is our assignment this week: letting go of frustrations and releasing buried resentments. Mars forms a balanced quincunx ('The Finger of God') aspect to Venus, Uranus and the Sun this week, goading much of the deeply buried Scorpio energy out into the open through the use of charm, wit, skepticism and subtle finesse. (By the end of next week, Mercury joins Mars Quincunx Uranus.) Certainly, responses will vary but the overall exposure serves to break apart much of the clever distraction and denial that was encouraged by the last New Moon (June 4th, 14° Gemini). This week's progress will be reexamined around June 27th when Mercury balances the Mars/Uranus quincunx again, just before Mars turns direct. The developing Jupiter/Pluto trine serves as an important stabilizer to the powerful, transformative energy this week. Hopefully that potent earth trine will help us establish a productive, creative channel for the energy that is unleashed when Mars turns around and charges ahead at the end of the month.

The week begins with Mercury leaving the stability of Taurus and arriving home in flighty but quick-thinking Gemini. Communication is enhanced and significantly more direct than we have seen lately. Neptune turns retrograde on Monday while tightly squaring Saturn, initiating the lengthy process of letting go of unrealistic goals and setting achievable benchmarks. Embarrassing exposure is quite possible on Tuesday as charming wit merges with skeptical rhetoric. Nervous tension reaches a peak on Wednesday. Distractions and tempting diversions may lead us to blame others for a lack of focus. However, inner frustrations and buried resentments are the more likely cause of any barriers we encounter. Thursday's precise, organized atmosphere helps to dismantle some of those barriers. Venus arrives in Cancer on Friday increasing the already emotional tone of the Scorpio Moon. Nonetheless, as Venus leaves Gemini, she drops any propensity for glib denial and assumes a more compassionate approach to inner frustration. By Saturday, the Moon has arrived in Sagittarius, sending us tumbling towards next Monday's Full Moon (4:02 AM PDT 29° Sagittarius/Gemini). There is extraordinary ability to 'speak truth to power', opening new avenues for future discussion without directly confronting anyone else's firmly established position.

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