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Sun 24° Virgo 51' 01"
Moon 12° Pisces 48' 37"
Mercury 13° Virgo 13' 22"
Venus 22° Libra 51' 58"
Mars 07° Cancer 18' 40"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 51' 15"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 40' 04"
Juno 13° Libra 18' 27"
Vesta 11° Virgo 00' 30"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 36"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 16" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 36" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 18" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 08" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 05" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 33" 

Mercury-Uranus Trine

Mercury-Uranus Trine - The Power of Ideas

"I took at the time a memorandum of my several senses, and also of my hat and coat, and my best shoes — but it was lost in the melee, and I am out with lanterns, looking for myself."

—Emily Dickinson

Mercury slows down in expeditionary Sagittarius this week (to turn retrograde on December 3rd) and makes the first of three wildly erratic — albeit invigorating — trines to Uranus. The Mercury-Uranus trine initially feels very promising, especially as it dances with Mars in a very helpful, confidence building sextile. Mercury keeps the lines of communication open and information flowing. However, Mars carry's a few scars from last week's intense square to Pluto and is likely to turn last week's intensity into some very over-excited interactions this week. The Mars-Uranus standoff opposition also builds this week but doesn't culminate until next week. In essence, the stage is being set this week for some significant conflicts next week. Unfortunately, there is little support to help us actually draw meaningful conclusions from the new information that is available. We are likely to reach an information overload by the end of the week, which could begin to engender significant pessimism. We may want to take notes this week so that we can review them later, once Mercury turns direct and finally gets to the more structured terrain of Capricorn early next year. Mercury also approaches the first of three (more deliberate) conjunctions with Saturn. The first Mercury-Saturn conjunction is exact on Tuesday of next week (November 28th). (The final Mercury-Saturn conjunction won't occur until early next year, on January 12th. By then, Saturn will have arrived in conservative Capricorn.) As Mercury approaches Saturn, we need to stay adaptable and teachable without letting the increasingly excited atmosphere take us down a road of dissolute, fatalistic pessimism, stemming from the building Mercury-Saturn conjunction. There is, indeed, important information being made available. Just because we don't grasp the overall picture right now, doesn't mean that we won't eventually come to a broader understanding once Saturn arrives in Capricorn and begins to assemble the vast amount of information into an understandable structure.

The germinating seeds of last week's New Moon break through the surface on Sunday, producing a particularly optimistic mood. Perceptivity and intellect lead to fascinating interactions. The enhanced communication continues on Monday but we need to exercise some self-control in order to keep from going too far or saying too much. The Sun arrives in Sagittarius on Tuesday, lending increased optimism to a determined effort to explore new territory, new ideas and new information. We lose a bit of confidence on Wednesday and communication becomes more guarded and tentative. Impatience may surface as we struggle to get closer to Truth! We need to overcome a chaotic morning Thursday, in order to get back in touch with the insightful lines of communication produced this week. By Friday, the information overload becomes significant as we realize that we aren't having much success drawing meaningful conclusions from the wealth of new information and exciting new ideas. We may have to deal with a significant bout of pessimism on Saturday. However, we shouldn't just give up. Significant effort and follow-through is required in order to find a way to bring meaning and structure to the wealth of new ideas, insights and information that has bubbled to the surface this week.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mercury-Uranus Trine - Weekly Horoscope

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