Mercury Stations Direct
Mercury Stations Direct - New Directions
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.'"
—Matthew 7:7
Mercury stations direct at the beginning of this week and the 'station' may produce a feeling that our thinking is 'stalled'. As we adjust, we may find ourselves feeling a bit impulsive, lurching ahead but having some difficulty getting 'grounded' or finding a clear sense of direction. A Mars-Neptune trine on Monday provides lots of inspiration but without many tangible outlets. Jupiter leaves Aries on Tuesday, where it has been since only December 20th of last year — Jupiter will spend an entire year in Taurus. Ultimately, Jupiter's arrival in Taurus will help us to stabilize our progress and begin to encourage a more focused approach — although we may not really feel that focus this week. Once in Taurus, Jupiter squares Pluto, intensifying a sense of mission but not offering the clear sense of direction that seems to be lacking for most of this week. The Jupiter-Pluto square may lead us to believe that pursuing innovative routes and projects will help us establish the security that we have been seeking for the last few weeks. On the other hand, we may begin to believe that innovation and 'change' will further destabilize us and bring increased insecurity. We do, at least, seem to find increasing determination to persevere, as well as find ways to narrow our focus. At times, the determination may veer into stubbornness and compromise becomes quite difficult. The possibility of sudden and surprising changes are popping up all week, demanding that we find some way to stay flexible while holding on to whatever confidence we are able to muster. There are actually a number of excellent opportunities to be found in this environment once we get our bearings. Essentially, this week's lessons are reminding us that 'life is a journey, not a destination'. Staying on task, or knowing exactly what it is that we want to accomplish could seem overwhelming or frustrating. Self-discipline and steady confidence is needed to make use of this week's growing power which will be most potent under Friday's Taurus New Moon (8:53 AM PDT 28° Taurus), which nears a trine to Pluto. We may find that things just need to fall apart, around the time of the New Moon. After the New Moon, there is hope that we can settle down and reassemble our strategies — undergo a rebirth offered by the trine to Pluto — and finally get the kind of traction that we are hoping for.
Mercury's station may have us feeling that our thinking is 'stalled' on Sunday. There is a lack of strong imperatives but opportunities abound. Some impulsiveness may have us 'lurching' forward on Monday. Self-discipline and careful consideration are called for. There may be a sense of helplessness on Tuesday. We will need to directly ask for what we want or miss the untapped resources that are available. Confidence increases on Wednesday but the willingness to compromise seems to wane. There is a strong 'growing power' inherent in the efforts that we put forward. Independence intensifies on Thursday, throwing compromise out the window. Assertiveness may be rather manipulative or underhanded. Things may seem to fall apart on Friday but there is a 'rebirth' just around the corner. We need to take time to resolve discrepancies and regroup. We may see some recklessness or impulsiveness on Saturday. A broad reorganization phase begins, offering a great deal of promise.
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