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Sun 21° Sagittarius 24' 01"
Moon 18° Taurus 31' 30"
Mercury 07° Sagittarius 09' 30" 
Venus 06° Aquarius 31' 34"
Mars 05° Leo 55' 50" 
Ceres 01° Aquarius 58' 34"
Pallas 04° Capricorn 44' 35"
Juno 13° Scorpio 15' 35"
Vesta 21° Libra 16' 33"
Jupiter 15° Gemini 34' 07" 
Saturn 13° Pisces 20' 46"
Chiron 19° Aries 08' 03" 
Uranus 24° Taurus 12' 59" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 08' 17"
Pluto 00° Aquarius 31' 03"
TrueNode 03° Aries 21' 48" 

Mars-Uranus Conjunction

Mars-Uranus - Energy and Independence

"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love."

— The Prayer of St. Francis

This week is dominated by the forming Mars-Uranus conjunction. Energy and independence build through the middle of the week. Mercury moves into Pisces at the beginning of the week offering exciting flashes of intuitive insight. By the end of the week, Mars will have moved from action-oriented Aries into doggedly determined Taurus. However, before Mars arrives in Taurus (on Valentine's Day), it makes an explosive and unpredictable conjunction with Uranus. Changes accelerate — albeit briefly — at an astounding rate. Once the Mars-Uranus energy detonates a major round of changes, Mars settles down to a persistent, determined, but steady pace. Creativity surfaces but so does some subtle sensitivity. We begin to turn our focus toward concern over approval and a deep-seated need to protect our egos. If we look ahead to next week's Full Moon (February 19th 7:53 AM PST 0° Virgo/Pisces), we can gain some clues about how to handle the sensitivity that surfaces. The more that we can focus our attention towards care and concern for others, the easier it will be to lessen our own emotional sensitivity. However, this can become a two-edge sword. We don't want to go so far that we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of becoming a slave to others. We are turning a blind corner this week, from a powerfully independent and energetic environment, into an environment where creativity and determination are becoming more orderly. The Full Moon will help us to incorporate compassion and service into our approach, slowly setting aside the intense focus on ego-centered independent action.

Energy and intuitive insight is particularly exhilarating on Sunday. However, the unpredictable atmosphere could leave us rather confused or perplexed. Patience and compromise are difficult to manifest. Even though we may try to 'hit the brakes' on Monday, things aren't inclined to slow down much. Tuesday's steady progress during the early part of the day slows in the afternoon and many are prone to pushing too hard to keep things moving. Energy peaks on Wednesday and we are likely to find clear insight and decisiveness. Creativity begins to draw our attention on Thursday but we are also increasingly sensitive. Ego concerns drain our intuition. We may be overly concerned about making just the right appearance. Sensitivity increases even more on Friday but our desire for approval and reassurance is difficult to articulate. By Saturday, we may be inclined to make a strategic retreat which at least has the effect of muting any defensiveness. By placing our focus on compassion and caring for others, our sensitivity will be eased.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-Uranus - Weekly Horoscope

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