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Sun 29° Capricorn 43' 38"
Moon 04° Libra 59' 02"
Mercury 16° Capricorn 29' 44"
Venus 16° Pisces 34' 08"
Mars 24° Cancer 50' 22" 
Ceres 16° Aquarius 07' 00"
Pallas 19° Capricorn 29' 22"
Juno 23° Scorpio 54' 05"
Vesta 06° Scorpio 11' 16"
Jupiter 11° Gemini 42' 21" 
Saturn 16° Pisces 08' 24"
Chiron 19° Aries 11' 58"
Uranus 23° Taurus 18' 56" 
Neptune 27° Pisces 38' 40"
Pluto 01° Aquarius 39' 12"
TrueNode 29° Pisces 07' 51"

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 10 - January 16

Mars trine Neptune: Impatient creative inspiration

This week takes us through the most challenging phase of the Retrograde Mercury but, by Friday, we begin to get a glimmer of what it's all been about and where we're heading. The Moon's light, following last Saturday's New Moon (January 9th - 19° Capricorn), may seem particularly dim and there is an undercurrent of impatience driven by the contained energy of Mars in Scorpio. Nonetheless, Mars is building towards an inspiring and visionary trine to Neptune, culminating at the end of the week and taking us to the brink of a creative breakthrough. However, responsibility will need to be woven into our creative vision in order to realize a tangible payoff. Impatience and sensitivity lurks beneath an easy-going, generous atmosphere on Sunday. However, by Monday it's easier to get a better handle on the energy and ease gracefully into our environment, sharing our perspectives with humility, in lieu of certainty. Tuesday's sense of freedom may encourage some to Go Rouge, taking off to explore obscure side roads. We should be very cautious about following anyone too far off course due to a distinct lack of clarity in the environment. Wednesday provides the chaos out of which we may begin to design a new framework. Mercury reaches the inferior conjunction with the Sun, signaling that a turnaround is not too far away. However, some could find themselves distracted by relationship challenges or overcome with emotional sensitivity. We'll need to try and keep our focus on exploring possibilities, rather than becoming too narrowly focused on perceived slights or disruptions. The Moon is VOC most of the day on Thursday, possibly leading to a significant emotional letdown but essentially offering a cosmic timeout to do a bit of healing or aimless reflection. By Friday, we finally get a glimmer of clarity leading to a process of readjustment. Saturday's visionary Mars/Neptune trine provides us with some remarkably creative insight even though there is more to be done through responsible effort before we can bring those insights into tangible form.

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