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Sun 24° Virgo 46' 34"
Moon 11° Pisces 39' 47"
Mercury 13° Virgo 05' 04"
Venus 22° Libra 46' 23"
Mars 07° Cancer 16' 04"
Ceres 08° Capricorn 50' 42"
Pallas 02° Sagittarius 38' 38"
Juno 13° Libra 16' 50"
Vesta 10° Virgo 58' 20"
Jupiter 20° Gemini 32' 16"
Saturn 15° Pisces 20' 37" 
Chiron 22° Aries 24' 46" 
Uranus 27° Taurus 09' 22" 
Neptune 28° Pisces 37' 16" 
Pluto 29° Capricorn 47' 08" 
TrueNode 06° Aries 37' 37" 

Mars-Saturn Trine

Mars-Saturn Trine - Good, Orderly Direction

"'First things first' might be a clichê , but it's a useful one that means prioritizing what matters most to you and believing there is no wrong answer. When it comes to figuring this out for yourself, the careful binary of work or life entirely misses the point."

— Stacey Abrams

Energy and activity is stirred at the beginning of this week by the springtime energy of the Aries Sun, the Mars-Saturn trine, and Mercury's sextile to Uranus. Mercury also approaches a square to Mars (in Gemini) which could quickly overwhelm us with a barrage of ideas and information. Vesta is also very much involved in these activating aspects which brings forward a somewhat self-righteous desire to identify the value and importance of our personal sacrifices. Impatience and reckless impulsiveness may seem to threaten or confuse our sense of direction and any broader sense of purpose or mission. We may feel some need to engage in a 'race to be first' or demand that our personal contributions and individual sacrifices be fully recognized before we are willing to move forward with any sense of cooperative spirit. A sense of imperative builds all week, heading into next Sunday's Libra Full Moon (11:48 AM PDT 8° Libra/Aries) which has the Aries Sun conjunct Chiron. We are likely to feel increasingly idealistic, impatient, and impulsive as we seek to find some practical, tangible effort that allows us to ground ourselves effectively. Last week's Pisces New Moon may have stirred our idealism and inspiration to extraordinarily high levels and could have actually inspired us to 'bite off more than we can chew'. Now that the Sun has arrived in Aries, we're ready to be 'off to the races' but there are very few elements in this environment that help us to stay 'down to earth' and fully appreciate the value of self-control, self-discipline, and methodical determination — we really want to see quick results whether or not we have done the proper amount of foundation-building groundwork. By the end of the week, just before the Libra Full Moon, Mars conjuncts the North Node, which stirs energy to extremely high levels that may be difficult to use constructively. What seems to offer the most promise for navigating this atmosphere is to undertake a process of paring and pruning that allows to streamline our efforts and remove any elements that are unworkable or out of place. The Moon's transit through Virgo, later in the week, provides extra support for just such an effort. It is especially important to use that time to make preparations for the intensity of the next Sunday's Libra Full Moon in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed with impatience and impulsiveness but rather, make the best possible use of the energy to make productive progress. With awareness, we will recognize the message of the Libra Full Moon and look for ways to make use of cooperative alliances and joint efforts that helps us to recognize that we are not alone in our strong desire to make progress.

Activity is stirred by Sunday's 1st Quarter Moon in Cancer and Mercury's sextile to Uranus. As well, Venus enters brash and aggressive Aries, possibly curtailing our focus on the needs of others. There is a strong desire to show off our personal sacrifices and individual contributions on Monday. We need to give 'credit where credit is due' and try to avoid simply 'blowing our own horn'. We will do well to reflect and regroup on Tuesday. Feelings are likely to be unsettled. Focus and a strong sense of direction may be lacking on Wednesday. Impatience is rising. Any temptation to 'throw our weight around' on Thursday is likely to be misguided. Self-discipline and self-control is increasingly important. Friday's Virgo Moon offers an important dose of discretion, along with a keen eye for anything unworkable that should be removed. We may be inclined to over extend ourselves on Saturday, ahead of next Sunday's Libra Full Moon. We need to take time to organize our thoughts.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-Saturn Trine - Weekly Horoscope

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