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Sun 04° Leo 55' 14"
Moon 26° Aries 30' 01"
Mercury 01° Virgo 04' 35"
Venus 19° Leo 24' 23"
Mars 04° Gemini 32' 56"
Ceres 10° Capricorn 05' 43" 
Pallas 20° Scorpio 48' 23"
Juno 25° Virgo 41' 47"
Vesta 16° Leo 45' 12"
Jupiter 13° Gemini 34' 35"
Saturn 18° Pisces 48' 30" 
Chiron 23° Aries 32' 03" 
Uranus 26° Taurus 43' 05"
Neptune 29° Pisces 45' 57" 
Pluto 00° Aquarius 46' 13" 
TrueNode 08° Aries 48' 16"

Mars-Chiron Conjunction

Mars-Chiron Conjunction - Determined Individuality

"Permanent success cannot be achieved except by incessant intellectual labor, always inspired by the ideal."

— Sarah Bernhardt

Jupiter arrived in Gemini at the very end of last week, joining the Sun and Venus. Gemini's glittering intellect is on full display this week but, with Mars still in Aries, our nerves can easily get stirred up with intellectual overload. Nervousness can pop up suddenly and may disappear just as quickly. Jupiter is heading into a trine to Pluto, which stirs our idealism, optimism and ambition to new heights but may not be realistic or achievable — only time will tell. Pluto is retrograding back to make one more dip into Capricorn later this year, potentially pulling up remnants of old ways that still need to be cleared away. Our idealism is also stirred up by the Mars-Chiron conjunction on Wednesday. The rebuilding of our individual 'sense of self' that began under the Chiron/North Node conjunction in February (and was supercharged by the Aries New Moon Eclipse conjunct Chiron on April 8th) reaches a crescendo this week. We are ready to put self-doubts away and replace them with self-confidence that is enhanced with added awareness and even a bit of humility. There is really no hiding place in this week's stirred up atmosphere. Even though we are in the waning phase of the current lunar cycle, our minds are likely to increasingly race and run with new ideas and insights. What is most helpful is making connections with those around us and engaging in a wide-ranging give-and-take of different perspectives. It is also likely to be important to try to take some time for quiet alone time. If we try to push too hard, we may very well start 'blowing fuses'. Also, outlining and documenting our ideas and insights for future reference will definitely be useful down the road. Next week's Gemini New Moon (5:37 AM PDT 16° Gemini) will square Saturn, suggesting heightened challenges to clearly articulating what we see and exactly where we believe that we are ready to go. Mercury's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus on Thursday may possibly provide some help in grounding the swirl of Gemini's intellectual energy that is further stirred up by the Mars-Chiron conjunction. However, the Mercury-Uranus connection could also shatter any sense of stability. This week's intellectual/spiritual awakenings are truly profound but it is possible that we find ourselves subject to waves of 'Gemini-related' nervous tension that challenge our focus and our resolve — keeping many things 'up in the air'. In the context of a waning Moon, we need to be careful not to get too attached to any expectations and let go enough to enjoy the show.

Most of our intellectual activity is going on behind the scenes on Sunday. Some may be harboring significant self-righteousness. The early part of the day on Monday seems to be well-controlled but things break loose in the afternoon. We may find ourselves easily sidetracked. There is some temptation to 'color' the truth on Tuesday. We'll need to carefully guard against misusing any of the developing insights for a quick return. Self-confident self-expression opens up many new avenues on Wednesday. The intellectual/spiritual awakening is extremely promising but may be quite difficult to fully describe. There are waves of excitement and ambition on Thursday. We need to make as many connections with others as possible in order to follow through on the learning process that is initiated. Intuition and inspiration helps us to follow through on intellectual breakthroughs on Friday. The beneficial value of personal connection is highlighted. The challenge of clearly communicating our new perspectives creates significant strain on Saturday. There are vast opportunities available but if we push too hard, we may wind up 'blowing fuses'.

Daily Astrological Currents - Mars-Chiron Conjunction - Weekly Horoscope

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